Examples of Project Elements in a sentence
Any alteration(s) to the Project Element(s) defined in the Grant Work Plan resulting in a change in the total point score of Xxxxxxx's Application as it appears on the Recommended RTP Priority List for FY2023-2024 is considered a significant change, must be pre-approved by the Department, and requires a formal Amendment to this Agreement.
ATTACHMENT 3 GRANT WORK PLAN RECREATIONAL TRAILS PROGRAM (RTP) Project Name: Kiwanis Park Loop Trail Grantee Name: City of Lake Wales RTP Project #T23018 SUMMARY: The Grantee will complete the Project Element(s), which were approved by the Department through the RTP Application Evaluation Criteria, pursuant to Chapter 62S-2, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.) and the FHWA Recreational Trails Program Interim Guidance Manual.