Examples of Project Tenure in a sentence
Source: GPR website 31 Figure 20: Kou Sa Project Tenure, Surface Geology, Prospects and contained minerals.
Norseman Project Tenure acquisition(s) have progressed and are currently pending grant at the time of writing this report.
Most of the adjoining properties comprise native vegetation with occasional mining feature or structure.Source: IVNE (2021)Figure 20-1: IVNE Tintic Project Tenure relative to Adjacent Properties and Major Historically Mined ‘Ore Runs’An overview of the history of the Tintic Mining District, which saw nearly continuous mining operations from 1871 through to 2002, is provided in Section 5.
However, DOT reserves the right to alter the Project Tenure at any time giving notice to thee Bidder/Supplier.gAnnexure “A” TECHNICAL BID FORMAT a.
The Developer has structured a mitigation measure to cover losses of up to 5% of the Investor’s capital from any depreciation if the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) against the Singapore Dollar (SGD) during the Project Tenure.
Spinifex RangeE69/2864Figure 1: Location of Musgrave Project Tenure Figure 2: Schematic Regional geology of the Spinifex Range Project (E69/2864) Figure 3: Location of MLEM & vacuum drill areas within E69/2864 "Spinifex Range" The information in this report that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Philip Clifford who is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
Figure 1 Location of the Mannar Island Heavy Mineral Sand Project, north west Sri Lanka.Figure 2 Mannar Island Project Tenure.
This is important as it indicates the high quality of product that IND’s potential customers can achieve.Table 2 - Stockyard Project Sighter Testwork Results – HLS + Attritioning IND Project Tenure Expanded5Narrikup Silica Sand ProjectThe Narrikup Project is located 40km north of the port of Albany and consists of a single granted exploration license covering an area of 161km2.
Sandstone Gold Project Tenure Outline and Gold Occurrences Over Troy Resources Ltd Geological Interpretation Modern exploration was largely focussed on finding shallow oxide ore to feed the Herald/Troy mill at a time when the Australian dollar gold price was substantially lower than it is today.
Browns Creek Project Tenure #535629 Report 2.0Total Work Conducted and Samples Taken 2006-07 & sampling methods.Dates: start, march 3, 2007 - stop march 25, 20071.1: Road Survey, Browns mainline, Browns 700, Deering spur, Stoney spur.1.2: All roads flagged, 4281 meters of survey line run for distance, and GPS plotted.1.3 24 Stream sediment samples.