Promotion Committee definition
Examples of Promotion Committee in a sentence
The candidate shall have the right to meet with the Library Rank Promotion Committee to discuss these reasons and/or to submit a response in writing before the recommendation is formally made to the President.
If the Library Rank Promotion Committee proposes to recommend against promotion it shall, before making a final recommendation, notify the candidate of its tentative decision and invite the candidate to comment on the proposed recommendation.
Promotion to this rank is jealously guarded in most institutions and deviations from the normal timing will of necessity be scrutinized extremely carefully by the Peer Evaluation Committee, Library Rank Promotion Committee, University Librarian (hereinafter called the Library).
Research Leave must be in writing to the Department Tenure and Promotion Committee through the Chair of the Department.
Membership of the Implementation Committee will be the department’s Faculty Senator plus the chairs of the department’s Curriculum Committee and its Tenure and Promotion Committee.