Examples of PROS Plan in a sentence
The City has determined that certain components of the Open Space System within the Project (Exhibits E and M) support the goals of the City’s 2017-2023 PROS Plan for public-private partnerships to provide access to recreational and public open space.
The result will be a stand-alone report designed to guide Shoreline’s recreation services, feed into the Aquatic/Community Center Feasibility Study and provide recommendations for the PROS Plan document.
In Phase 3, MIG|SvR will draft specific written chapters of the PROS plan document that relate to earlier deliverables, working in collaboration with the City who will be the primary author of the Administrative Draft PROS Plan document.
MIG|SvR will build a prioritized 20-year capital projects (CIP) list, divided into short, mid and long-term projects with order of magnitude cost estimates, and a planning model of the cost for operating the sites and facilities recommended in the draft PROS Plan.
The PROS Plan is also meeting the Growth Management (GMA) requirements, by identifying parks and open space goals and policies, including a demand and needs analysis based upon the city’s assigned population allocation, and identifying future parkland acquisition and park development improvements which will be included in the City’s Capital Facilities Plan.
The following Policy for Parks was adopted by the Montgomery County Planning Board in the 1988 PROS Plan and has been re-affirmed and included in every PROS Plan since that date.
The 1981 PROS Plan established a rationale for dedication of land in new residential developments based on the ratio of households in the City to acres of neighborhood-scale parkland.
The City Council votes on March 27.• Ms. Colaizzi presented the PROS Plan to the Planning Commission last week.
With subsequent updates of the PROS Plan, the formula for neighborhood parkland was adjusted to reflect changes in demographic and land acquisition patterns.
It describes a minimum size of 3/10 of an acre for new parkland, and that 15% of a developable project’s site should be allocated to publicly-accessible open space (or fee-in-lieu).The Parks, Recreation and Open Space (PROS) Plan was adopted by the Mayor and Council in 2009, and although it is not technically part of the Master Plan, it certainly provides guidance for park needs throughout the city.