Examples of Protectively Marked in a sentence
Though the system has not been formally certified to handle UK Protectively Marked material, it does utilise similar security to that used by on-line banking systems, and is considered adequate for storage of ‘restricted’ material.
Specifically, the Contractor shall ensure no Protectively Marked material, equipment or information is held in either hard of soft format at the Contractor’s or any Sub-contractor’s premises without prior approval of the Authority and subject to compliance with current security requirements.
Furthermore the Contractor shall limit the access to any Protectively Marked material, equipment or information only to those who actively require it in the provision of the services specified under the Framework Agreement.
Where the user is accessing a system showing ‘sensitive’ or Protectively Marked data then the screen must not be easily readable by anyone other than the logged-in user.
Consignors must ensure that all of the conditions relevant to the movement of Protectively Marked Materiel (PMM) are met in full in accordance with JSP 440 (Defence Manual of Security) and additional operational standards as appropriate.