Examples of Province Systems in a sentence
If the records requested include Data from Province Systems, eHealth Privacy will consult with the province.
The Health Authority is administering user access to CareConnect (including the administration of access, through CareConnect, to data from Province Systems) for Health Professionals.
Use of Province Systems by the Contractor or its personnel (including subcontractors) must be restricted to activities necessary for provision of the Services.
Forgreatercertainty, the foregoing requires that You consult with eHealth Privacy only with respect to any access requests or demands for records contained in CareConnect and not those records retained by You in accordance with section 6.a. If the records requested by a third party include Data from Province Systems, eHealth Privacy will consult with the province.
CareConnect provides aconsolidated view of apatient’s healthrecord across the provincial health system and includes patient data from all health authorities in the province, and data from Province Systems, being the computerized information systems listed in the attached Schedule 1 to this Agreement.
The Province will provide to SI such access to the Province Systems as may be necessary for performance of the Services and the creation, testing, correction, installation, implementation, maintenance and support of Deliverables, including access to and use of development, testing and production environments on the Province Systems.
SI shall comply with, and cause SI Personnel to be knowledgeable of and to comply with, all policies, practices and procedures established by the Province with respect to safety, security, conduct, behaviour and other matters in and around the Province premises and Province Personnel, and with respect to the use of the Province Systems, and which are communicated in writing by the Province to SI from time to time, including the Standards of Conduct and the CPPM.
See the Working Papers for Central Province (System 0308, Cape Rodney settlement); East New Britain Province (System 1808, various schemes on the Gazelle Peninsula); Gulf Province (System 0205, Murua settlement); and West New Britain Province (Systems 1916, 1917, 1918, various oil palm settlements).they sold fresh food to Ok Tedi Mining Ltd and also sold paintings and carvings in Kiunga.
SI shall not charge the Province any fees or other amounts for work done by any SI Personnel to familiarize themselves with the Province, the Province Systems and the requirements of this Agreement.
CareConnect provides aconsolidated viewof apatient’s health record across the provincial health system and includes patient data from all health authorities in the province, and data from Province Systems, being the computerized information systems listed in the attached Schedule 1 to this Agreement.