Provisional Status definition
Examples of Provisional Status in a sentence
Failure to do so will cause the organization to lose its Provisional Status.
Entry into Provisional Status will trigger a formal letter outlining the performance criteria that need to be met (including dates for successful completion) to avoid even more formal actions, such as progression to University Probation or termination from the student’s doctoral training program.
The program director and/or chair will file an Action on Provisional Status form the College of Graduate Studies to request a change from provisional to regular if the deficiencies have been met and/or the student’s record justifies such a change.
Red (danger) zone: Students who reach the Red Zone will be placed on Provisional Status.
Provisional Status Students with bachelor's degrees from accredited institutions whose scholastic records are below the standards for admission to full graduate standing may be admitted provisionally when unavoidable, extenuating circumstances affected their undergraduate averages or when progressive improvement in their undergraduate work warrants provisional admission.
Depending upon the factors that have slowed performance, appropriate actions might include changing research projects, adjust- ing the scope of a Milestone, switching advisors, seeking clinical care, or taking a leave of ab- sence from the program.Red (danger) zone:Students who reach the Red Zone will be placed on Provisional Status.
The IAEM-USA shall send the documents back to the individual for revision or approved for Provisional Status.
In these situations, the Occupant must file a Provisional Status form with the Office if s/he seeks to conditionally remain in the Licensed Space.
Staff were well versed on mandatory reporting laws, and successfully outlined how to report during the hypothetical situation presented in staff interviews.
If no courses are offered or no credits are awarded during the first 12 months, Provisional Status will continue another 12 months.