Provisionally certified definition
Examples of Provisionally certified in a sentence
The Contractor shall not discriminate on the basis of disability, and shall comply with pertinent sections of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Provisionally certified workers can carry up to seven low risk cases under the oversight of another case manager.
Jeff Krzypkowski who is Provisionally certified in the School Psychologist area, is hereby appointed to the position of School Psychologist tenure area for a probationary period commencing on 10/22/2021 and anticipated to end on 10/21/2025.
In order to be certified as a certified well contractor, an applicant shall have met the experience requirements, successfully completed the well contractor examination for well drilling services or pump services or both, been issued a certificate by the department, and renewed the certification in accordance with rules 82.10(455B) and 82.11(455B).82.3(3) Provisionally certified well contractor.
Approve the appointment of Polly Sergel, who is Provisionally certified in Literacy (Grades 5-12) and Permanently certified in Agriculture, as the long-term substitute for the Leave of Absence of Employee 00632, effective March 23, 2022, to tbd, at the rate of Sub Teacher Certified/Sub Teacher 25 days.b) Leave of Absence.
Jeff Krzypkowski who is Provisionally certified in the School Psychologist area, is hereby appointed to the position of School Psychologist tenure area for aprobationary period commencing on 10/22/2021 and anticipated to end on 10/21/2025.
Provisionally certified pre-kindergarten teachers should be encouraged to become fully certified with an emphasis on the use of diagnostic and prescriptive instruction.25 Finally, all pre-school preparation programs throughout Maryland should be aligned with Maryland's Voluntary State Curriculum (VSC) to promote school readiness.
In order to be certified as a certified well contractor, an applicant shall have met the experience requirements, successfully completed the well contractor certification test, been issued a certificate by the department, and renewed the certification in accordance with rules 82.10(455B) and 82.11(455B).82.3(3) Provisionally certified well contractor.
Provisionally certified case managers complete the one-year work experience requirement while on-the-job.
Provisionally certified or uncertified personnel will be eligible for non-credit programs as described in A.