Public relations definition

Public relations means all functions and activities dedicated to-
Public relations means all func- tions and activities dedicated to—
Public relations means any activity, and research to support such activity, that is intended to inform, educate, persuade or reinforce public opinion including, but not limited to, advertising, press conferences, editorial boards and speakers bureaus.

Examples of Public relations in a sentence

  • Public relations services are also prohibited as the Commission believes these services enhance and expand the market of the issuer and its securities.

  • Y Contract Section Description Meets Compliance Status/Comments 8.6 Contractor shall provide an annual report to the EMS Agency on community activities meeting EMS Agency requirements including, but not limited to: Number of conducted community education events; Public relations activities; and Employee recognition.

  • Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.

  • The course focuses on different aspects of Print and Electronic Media, Public relations, Advertising, Media Management, Communication Research etc.

  • Public relations are critical to the success of any capital acquisition campaign.

More Definitions of Public relations

Public relations means all func- tions and activities dedicated to— 31.205–1
Public relations means keeping the membership, employees and media informed of cooperative’s mission, goals and plans and to communicate openly about any crisis or emergency.
Public relations means building and maintaining relationships. The Library’s Mission remains as the core. It is important to communicate with clarity and consistency. Our goal is to promote the Library’s products—its services, facilities, programs, and resources, including its print and non-print collections and staff. One key element relates to identifying our many and diverse markets…it’s important to retain old patrons while recruiting new patrons. We must also remember that patrons’ needs and expectations change depending upon their situation.
Public relations. Managing public relations efforts to enhance the image of Imo State as an attractive investment destination.
Public relations. Each facility is responsible for developing and coordinating with other facilities and relevant organizations the media response to the disaster. During a public health emergency, all public relations MUST be coordinated with the local/regional/state public health department through the MOC. In all other disasters or emergencies, public relations should be coordinated with the regional EOC’s and the MOC (if activated).
Public relations. Each healthcare facility is responsible for developing and coordinating a disaster media response with other healthcare facility’s and responding organizations through the use of the Public Information Officer (PIO) and possible a Joint Information System (JIS) utilizing ICS/HICS standards. The JIS may be lead and coordinated by SMRRC working with county EMA. The PIO of small sized facilties may be the same contact noted above, (Liaison officer). (Healthcare facility’s are encouraged to develop and coordinate the outline of their response prior to any disaster. The response should include reference to the fact that the situation is being addressed in a manner agreed upon by a previously established mutual aid protocol. Personnel or Labor Pool: Clinical personnel offered by donor healthcare facility should be limited to staff that are privileged and credentialed in the donor institution. The Maine Responds website (see appendix 8) will be used to verify the credentials of all medical professionals in Maine. Non-clinical personnel should be limited to staff that are employed by, and in good standing with, the donor institution. Personnel will be treated as a member of the recipient work force for purposes of complying with HIPPA. Evacuation of Patients: In the event of the evacuation of patients, the healthcare facility incident commander (or designee) of the transferring (evacuating) healthcare facility will use the regional communications plan to notify the local fire department, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and/or emergency management agency of its situation and seek assistance. Partial or complete evacuation may lead to the use of an Alternate Care Site.
Public relations. Each hospital is responsible for developing and coordinating with other hospitals and relevant organizations the media response to the disaster. Hospitals are encouraged to develop and coordinate the outline of their response prior to any disaster. The partner hospitals should be familiar with each other’s mechanisms for addressing the media. The response should include reference to the fact that the situation is being addressed in a manner agreed upon by a previously established mutual aid protocol.