Purchasing official definition
Examples of Purchasing official in a sentence
Questions should be directed to the Texas A&M Purchasing official identified in Section 3.3 of this Request for Proposal.
The time of receipt shall be determined by the time clock stamp in the Purchasing Office, or if it is not working, such time shall be determined by the Purchasing official who is to open the proposals.
Clearly indicate (mark by page) if elements of this section are requested to be treated as proprietary (the responsible Purchasing official will make the final decision if this is to be treated as proprietary).
The time of receipt shall be determined by the time clock stamp in the Purchasing Office, or if it is not working, such time shall be determined by the Purchasing official who is to open the Bids.
OTHER LONG-TERM LIABILITY Akun ini merupakan provisi biaya pembongkaran sehubungan dengan pengembalian tanah yang disewa oleh SMFC, entitas anak, ke kondisi semula.This account represents provision of decommissioning cost in relation with returning landpremises that leased by SMFC, a subsidiary, to original condition.