Qiyas definition
Examples of Qiyas in a sentence
In turn, the main sources of Sharia are the Holy Quran, Hadith, Sunna, Ijma, Qiyas and Ijtihad.
The primary sources are the Quran and the Sunnah, while the secondary sources consist of; among others Ijma’ (consensus), Qiyas (analogy), Maslahah (beneficial), Istihsan (juristic preference), Istishab (presumption of continuity), ‘Uruf (custom) and Sadd Zara’ie (blocking the mean).
These meetings are performed on operational level on a monthly basis involving the Service Management Units of NETCARE and FME and the agenda shall cover at least: · A discussion about the reports provided by NETCARE in the last reporting period.
As these scholars provided their interpretations (Qiyas) regarding the Muslim Law, it led to various opinions among many of them and out such difference, different schools of Muslim Law originated.
The fundamental wellsprings from claiming Shari'ah are the sacred Quran, Hadith, Sunna, Ijma, Qiyas furthermore Ijtihad.
They also use Qaul al-Sahabi, but the position is below the Quran, Hadith, Ijma’, Qiyas, and Istishab.
The fourth and the final source of Islamic Law is Qiyas and is defined as an analogy that is used to establish a law concerning an incident based on clear injunctions issued about a previous incident, so long as the two incidents share the same effective cause (Al-Salami, 1999).
The Maliki School relies on the use of the Ijma of the Medina legal scholars, local Medina customs, the Koran, and the Sunna and Qiyas.
And they clearly stated that they positioned Qaul al-Sahabi before Ijma’ and Qiyas.
But if there are Qaul al-Sahabis that contained Qiyas, there are some Hanafi scholars that still use that kind of Qaul al-Sahabi and there are some who oppose them.