Qualified adoption expenses definition

Qualified adoption expenses means unreimbursed expenses paid or incurred in connection with the adoption of a child, including medical and hospital expenses of the biological mother which are incident to the child’s birth, welfare agency fees, legal fees, and all other fees and costs related to the adoption of a child. Expenses which are eligible for the federal adoption credit as provided in Section 23(d)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code will be considered qualified adoption expenses. Expenses paid or incurred in violation of state or federal law are not qualified adoption expenses.
Qualified adoption expenses means unreimbursed expenses paid or incurred in connection with the adoption of a child, including medical and hospital expenses of the biological mother which are incident to the child’s birth, welfare agency fees, legal fees, and all other fees and costs related to the adoption of a child. Expenses which are eligible for the federal adoption credit as provided in Section 23(d)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code will be considered qualified adoption expenses. Expenses paid or incurred in violation of state or federal law are not qualified adoption expenses.42.52(2) Claiming the credit. The first $2,500 of qualified adoption expenses is eligible for the credit. If the qualified adoption expenses are less than $2,500, then the total amount of qualified expenses can be claimed as a credit. Any credit in excess of the taxpayer’s tax liability is refundable. In lieu of claiming the refund, the taxpayer may elect to have the overpayment credited to the tax liability for the following tax year. The amount of tax credit claimed cannot be used as an itemized deduction for adoption expenses provided in 701—subrule 41.5(3).This rule is intended to implement 2014 Iowa Acts, House File 2468.[ARC 1665C, IAB 10/15/14, effective 11/19/14]701—42.53(15) Workforce housing tax incentives program. Effective July 1, 2014, a business which qualifies under the workforce housing tax incentives program is eligible to receive tax incentives for individual income tax. The workforce housing tax incentives program replaces the eligible housing business enterprise zone program. An eligible business under the workforce housing tax incentives program must be approved by the economic development authority and must meet the requirements of 2014 Iowa Acts, House File 2448, section 15. The administrative rules for the workforce housing tax incentives program for the economic development authority may be found at 261—Chapter 48.42.53(1) Definitions.
Qualified adoption expenses means the amounts incurred for expenses of a Participant for those services, which if paid by the Participant would be considered qualified adoption expenses under Code Section 36C(d)(1). Generally, they shall include reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees, and other expenses that are:

Examples of Qualified adoption expenses in a sentence

  • Qualified adoption expenses Qualified adoption expenses are reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorneys fees, and other expenses that are: (1) directly related to, and the principal purpose of which is for, the legal adoption of an eligible child by the taxpayer; (2) not incurred in violation of State or Federal law, or in carrying out any surrogate parenting arrangement; (3) not for the adoption of the child of the taxpayer’s spouse; and (4) not reimbursed (e.g., by an employer).

  • Qualified adoption expenses are reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorneys’ fees, and other expenses that are: (1) directly related to, and the principal purpose of which is for, the legal adoption of an eligible child by the taxpayer; (2) not incurred in violation of State or Federal law, or in carrying out any surrogate parenting arrangement; (3) not for the adoption of the child of the taxpayer’s spouse; and (4) not reimbursed (e.g., by an employer).

  • Qualified adoption expenses are limited to an amount indexed for inflation, which is $13,570 for 2017.

  • Qualified adoption expenses do not include expenses:• That violate state or federal law,• For carrying out any surrogate parenting arrangement,• For the adoption of your spouse’s child,• For which you received funds under any federal, state, or local program,• Allowed as a credit or deduction under any other federal income tax rule, or• Paid or reimbursed by your employer or any other person or organization.Eligible child.

  • Qualified adoption expenses are reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees, traveling expenses (including amounts spent for meals and lodging) while away from home, and other expenses directly related to, and whose principal purpose is for, the legal adoption of an eligible child.

  • The provision of such service shall be subject to such charges as may be applicable and the Customer authorises the Bank to recover such charges by debiting the Account.

  • Qualified adoption expenses are amounts paid or expenses incurred for the adoption of a child.

  • Qualified adoption expenses are those reasonable and necessary expenses directly related to, and for the principal purpose of, the legal adoption of an eligible child.

  • SeeQualified adoption expenses are reasonable andnecessary expenses directly related to, and for the principal purpose of, the legal adoption of an eligible child.Qualified adoption expenses include:• Adoption fees.• Attorney fees.• Court costs.• Travel expenses (including meals and lodging) while away from home.• Re-adoption expenses relating to the adoption of aforeign child.the instructions for line 1, column (e), that begin on page • Qualified adoption expenses do not include expenses:2.

  • Qualified adoption expenses are reasonable and necessary adoption fees that include court costs, attorney fees, traveling expenses (including amounts spent for meals and lodging while away from home), and other expenses directly related to the legal adoption of an eligible child.

More Definitions of Qualified adoption expenses

Qualified adoption expenses means unreimbursed expenses
Qualified adoption expenses means unreimbursed expenses paid or incurred in connection with the adoption of a child, including medical and hospital expenses of the biological mother that are incident to the child’s birth, welfare agency fees, legal fees, and all other fees and costs that relate to the adoption of a child.
Qualified adoption expenses means adoption expenses that are eligible to be used by an eligible taxpayer to claim a credit against the taxpayer's federal tax liability under section 23 of the internal revenue

Related to Qualified adoption expenses

  • Election expenses means expenses incurred, whether before, during or after the election, on account of, or in respect of, the conduct or management of the election.

  • Administration Expenses means all fees, disbursements, expenses, costs, taxes and any other amounts incurred or payable by the Plaintiffs, Class Counsel or otherwise for the approval, implementation and operation of this Settlement Agreement, including the costs of notices, but excluding Class Counsel Fees and Class Counsel Disbursements.

  • Common Expenses means expenditures made by or financial liabilities of the association, together with any allocations to reserves.

  • Non-Cash Compensation Expense means any non-cash expenses and costs that result from the issuance of stock-based awards, partnership interest-based awards and similar incentive based compensation awards or arrangements.

  • Litigation Expenses means costs and expenses incurred in connection with commencing, prosecuting and settling the Action (which may include the costs and expenses of Plaintiffs directly related to their representation of the Settlement Class), for which Lead Counsel intends to apply to the Court for reimbursement from the Settlement Fund.

  • Eligible Expenses means expenses incurred for Medical Services rendered with respect to a Disability.

  • Qualified expenses means lost wages not compensated by sick pay and unreimbursed medical expenses as defined for federal income tax purposes, to the extent not deducted in computing federal taxable income, whether or not the taxpayer itemizes federal income tax deductions.

  • Covered Expenses means expenses actually incurred by or on behalf of a Covered Person for treatment, services and supplies covered by the Policy. Coverage under the Participating Organization’s Policy must remain continuously in force from the date of the Covered Accident or Sickness until the date treatment, services or supplies are received for them to be a Covered Expense. A Covered Expense is deemed to be incurred on the date such treatment, service or supply, that gave rise to the expense or the charge, was rendered or obtained.

  • Current Expenses means operating costs other than personal services and shall not

  • Qualified higher education expenses means qualified higher education expenses as defined in section 529 of the internal revenue code.

  • Notice and Administration Expenses means all costs, fees, and expenses incurred in connection with providing notice to the Settlement Class and the administration of the Settlement, including but not limited to: (i) providing notice of the proposed Settlement by mail, publication, and other means to Settlement Class Members; (ii) receiving and reviewing claims; (iii) applying the Plan of Allocation; (iv) communicating with Persons regarding the proposed Settlement and claims administration process; (v) distributing the proceeds of the Settlement; and (vi) fees related to the Escrow Account and investment of the Settlement Fund.

  • Registration Expenses means the out-of-pocket expenses of a Registration, including, without limitation, the following: