Examples of Question 9 in a sentence
Question 9: Carbon targets are only credible if they are accompanied by policy action.
For more information, you can contact the Claims Administrator, Strategic Claims Services, by phone at (866) 274-4004 or by facsimile at (610) 565-7985, visit the website www.strategicclaims.net, or fill out and return the Proof of Claim and Release Form described in Question 9, to see if you qualify.
In your opinion, to what extent would a requirement on companies to apply a common standard for non-financial information resolve the problems identified?Not at allTo some extent but not much To a reasonable extentTo a very great extentDon’t know / no opinion / not relevant Question 9.
Question 9 [last update 25 March 2014]: How should AIFMs calculate the percentage of trade volumes for derivatives traded on regulated markets and OTC markets (questions 150 and 151 of the consolidated reporting template)?Answer 9: AIFMs should take into account the total number of trades and report the percentage of number of trades on a regulated exchange and OTC.
Have you ever practiced without liability coverage?(If yes, please complete Supplemental Question #9.) Yes No10.
S254 Question 9: Do companies agree with S254?Company Yes/No Comments Huawei, HiSilicon Yes Considering the case that the UE in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE selects an inter-frequency cell to camp on, the frequencies provided in RRCRelease message may be inconsistent with the SIB4 for the current cell, the above RIL and the TP in R2-2205619 are reasonable.
As used in Questions 1 - 7 and Question 9, a person is an "Affiliate" of a person if such person controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, another person.
Payments made relating to debt counseling or bankruptcy are listed on Statement Question 9 and as such are excluded from Statement Question 3(b).
Question 9: Rob O.CompletedSee first columnStephanie will compile the draft responses and send out to the SDT prior to the next meeting (October 22–23).CompletedStephanieStephanie will draft the first draft of Option 3 and distribute to a sub group for review.
CIVIL PROCEEDINGS – If you answer “YES” to any item in Question 9, you must provide complete details in an attachment.