Examples of Quoted Transmission Charges in a sentence
The Qualified Bidders shall be permitted to place their Final Offer on the electronic bidding platform, which is lower than zero point two five (0.25) % of the prevailing lowest Quoted Transmission Charges.
The applicable ceiling for electronic reverse bidding shall be the lowest Quoted Transmission Charges discovered from the Initial Offer received from the Qualified Bidders.
Provided that in the event of identical Quoted Transmission Charges discovered from the Initial Offer having been submitted by one or more Bidders, all such Bidders shall be assigned the same rank for the purposes of determination of Qualified Bidders.
In the first round the Initial Offer (submitted online along with the Technical Bids) of the responsive bids would be opened and Quoted Transmission Charges of Initial Offer shall be ranked on the basis of ascending order for determination of the Qualified Bidders as provided in Section-III of RFP.
In the first round the Initial Offer of the responsive bids would be opened and Quoted Transmission Charges of Initial Offer shall be ranked on the basis of ascending order for determination of the Qualified Bidders as provided in Section-III of RFP.In accordance with clause 2.5 of this RFP, the qualified Bidders shall be eligible to participate in the electronic reverse auction and submit their Final Offer.
The Transmission Service Provider shall be selected through tariff based competitive bidding process for the Project based on meeting stipulated Qualification Requirements prescribed in Clause 2.1 of Section 2 of RFP and the lowest Quoted Transmission Charges discovered from Final Offers quoted during the e-reverse bidding.
In the first round the Initial Offer of the responsive bids would be opened and Quoted Transmission Charges of Initial Offer shall be ranked on the basis of ascending order.
In the first round the Initial Offer of the responsive bids would be opened and Quoted Transmission Charges of Initial Offer shall be ranked on the basis of ascending order for determination of the Qualified Bidders as provided in Section-III of RFP.
However, no change in the substance of the Quoted Transmission Charges shall be sought or permitted by the BPC.
The Final Offer (Quoted Transmission Charges) of each bidder as quoted at the time of closing of e-reverse bidding is as under (copy of e-reverse bidding statement generated at MSTC portal is attached at Annexure-B):S.