FINANCIAL BID Sample Clauses
FINANCIAL BID i. The bidder shall have to quote rates in format referred in bid data sheet, in overall percentage, and not item wise. If the bid is in absolute amount, overall percentage would be arrived at in relation to the probable amount of contact given in NIT. The overall percentage rate would apply for all items of work.
ii. Percentage shall be quoted in figures as well as in words. If any difference in figures and words is found, lower of the two shall be taken as valid and correct.
iii. The bidder shall have to quote rates inclusive of all duties, taxes, royalties and other levies; and the Employer shall not be liable for the same.
iv. The material along with the units and rates, which shall be issued, if any, by the department to the contractor, is mentioned in the bid data sheet.
FINANCIAL BID. Bidder must submit the Financial Bid in attached BOQ in CPP Portal.
1. Price should be quoted as per S. No. inclusive of all item/components/accessory in that particular S. No.
2. L1 will be decided on the basis of whole price quoted for that particular Serial No. irrespective of their components/Specification.
3. Schedule of price bid in the form of BOQ_XXXX.xls: The Price Bid format is provided as BoQ_XXXX.xls along with this Tender Enquiry Document at xxxxx:// Bidders are advised to download this BoQ_XXXX.xls as it is and quote their offer / rates in the permitted column and upload the same in the commercial bid. Bidder shall not tamper / modify downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be tempered / modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected out rightly.
FINANCIAL BID a) Price bid Form [As per Annexure-IV duly filled and signed] - Price must be quoted as per format specified; failing which tender shall be summarily rejected.
FINANCIAL BID a) The financial e-bid should be in the prescribed format available at NIC CPPP E-Tendering Portal at and the following shall also form part and parcel of financial e-bid to be submitted by the tenderer:- I / We have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of the licence as contained in E-Tender Documents issued by the Airports Authority of India (AAI) including the following :-
x. Xxxxxxx Money Deposit of Rs.2,60,500/- (Rupees Two Lacs Sixty thousand and five hundred only) liable to be forfeited by AAI, if on award of license, I/We do not accept the award or do not fulfill any of the conditions stipulated in e-tender documents, within prescribed time.
ii. On account of non-acceptance of award or on account of non-completion of e-tender conditions within the prescribed time, I/We shall be debarred by AAI for further participation in the tenders at its airports or at any other place under the control of AAI, for a period of ONE (1) years.
iii. In case the documents submitted by my/our firm along with e-tender are false / incorrect, the e-tender of my/our firm will be liable to be rejected by giving reasons. In addition, AAI reserves its right to forfeit the EMD of my/our firm and debar my/our firm from participation in the further e-tender/ tender of AAI, for a period of three (03) years.
b) AAI reserves itself the right to reject the conditional offer without assigning any reason thereto.
c) The AAI does not bind itself to accept the highest or any e-tender and reserves to itself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the e-tender and the tenderer shall be bound to provide the service at the rate quoted.
d) The amount of license fee should be conspicuously written both in figures as well as in words. Any over- writing, correction or insertion should be duly signed by the authorized signatories of the tenderer(s).
e) In case of discrepancy between the amount offered in figures and words, the offer written in words will only be considered.
FINANCIAL BID. First Year of Contract: Sr Description of work Unit Total Rate/Squ Amount Amount No Carpet are feet per per annum Area of permonth month in for the 1st Building in Rs. Rs. year in Rs. 1 House Keeping and Facility Per 152228.45 Management services for MSCBank's Sq.ft. Sq.ft. Head Office as per scope ofwork . given in Technical Bid(VolumeI) of Tender for fixed carpet area of 1,52,228.45 Sq. Ft. I/We have carefully studied tender document and places required to be served. We have also understood the scope of work, services to be provided, materials, chemicals etc indicated in the tender to be used for cleaning Rates quoted will be for a fixed area of 152228.45 square feet of and will not be subject to joint measurement for any claim for variation. all types of services and their frequencies indicated in scope of work of technical bid, cost of Chemicals/Cleaning materials, Equipments, GST and any other applicable taxes for the contract is inclusive. Signature of the Bidder with Seal
FINANCIAL BID. Financial Bid as per BoQ format filled up with all the details including Make (Company) etc. of the goods offered to be uploaded. Price bid format is provided as BoQ_XXXX.xls along with this Tender Enquiry Document at xxxxx:// Bidders are advised to download this BoQ_XXXX.xls as it is and quote their offer/rates in the permitted column and upload the same in the Financial Bid. Bidder shall not tamper/modify the downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be tampered / modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected out rightly.
FINANCIAL BID a. The currency of all quoted rates shall be Indian Rupees. All payment shall be made in Indian Rupees.
b. In preparing the financial bids, bidders are expected to take into account the requirements and conditions laid down in this Tender document. The financial bids should be uploaded online as per the specified “.Xls” format i.
FINANCIAL BID. The Financial Bids of bidders, who qualify at Technical Bid Stage, will be opened thereafter.
FINANCIAL BID. The table below given is only for reference purpose. Financial Bid to be submitted online SEPARATELY in following format. * Payment will be made after deducting the applicable TDS. Name of the Authorized Signatory E Mail ID Telephone No. FAX No. Year of Registration Registration No. PAN No. GST No. Registered Office & Address Branch offices if any Total turnover in the latest financial year Total Staff strength Financial Analysis – Details to be furnished duly supported by figures in balance sheet/ profit & loss account for the last three financial years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant, as submitted by the applicant to the Income Tax Department (Copies to be attached). Financial Years 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Gross Annual Turnover Profit/Loss This Agreement is made at New Delhi on this ... day of , 2018. President of India, represented by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, represented by Joint Secretary (Establishment) (hereinafter referred to as “Ministry") M/s................................, a firm/firm/company having its Head Office at .............................................................., represented herein by Shri ............................................. who is duly authorized to sign and execute this Agreement on behalf of firm/contractor (herein after referred to as firm/contractor, which expression shall include its successors, assignees and legal representatives), hereinafter collectively referred to as “Parties” and individually as “party”.
FINANCIAL BID. 5.11.1. The Financial Bid should give all relevant price information and should not contradict the Technical Bid in any manner.