ELECTRONIC BIDDING. Notwithstanding any other procedural requirements of this section, vendors may submit bids, quotations, and proposals electronically in a form and manner required by the municipality. A municipality may allow bid, performance, or payment bonds, or other security, to be furnished electronically.
ELECTRONIC BIDDING. (2-19-19) 101, 102, 103 SP1 G140 Revise the 2018 Standard Specifications as follows: Page 1-4, Article 101-3, DEFINITIONS, BID (OR PROPOSAL) Electronic Bid, line 1, replace “Bid Express®” with “the approved electronic bidding provider”. (7-15-03) 108 SP1 G145
ELECTRONIC BIDDING. (2-19-19) 101, 102, 103 SP1 G140 Revise the 2018 Standard Specifications as follows: Page 1-4, Article 101-3, DEFINITIONS, BID (OR PROPOSAL) Electronic Bid, line 1, replace “Bid Express®” with “the approved electronic bidding provider”. (9-21-04) (Rev. 5-16-06) SP1 G150 All work on consultant contracts, services contracts, and construction contracts shall be performed in the United States of America. No work shall be outsourced outside of the United States of America. The North Carolina Secretary of Transportation shall approve exceptions to this provision in writing.
ELECTRONIC BIDDING. (2-19-19) 101, 102, 103 SP1 G140 Revise the 2018 Standard Specifications as follows: Page 1-4, Article 101-3, DEFINITIONS, BID (OR PROPOSAL) Electronic Bid, line 1, replace “Bid Express®” with “the approved electronic bidding provider”. (1-16-07) (Rev 12-15-20) 105-16, 225-2, 16 SP1 G180 Schedule and conduct construction activities in a manner that will minimize soil erosion and the resulting sedimentation and turbidity of surface waters. Comply with the requirements herein regardless of whether or not a National Pollution discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the work is required. Establish a chain of responsibility for operations and subcontractors’ operations to ensure that the Erosion and Sediment Control/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan is implemented and maintained over the life of the contract.
ELECTRONIC BIDDING. ‌ 1. Online Bidding Defined: Routes, buses, and trips may be posted for bid via an electronic system drivers/attendant to view and select at their leisure using District computers, personal computers, and/or mobile devices. 2. Online Bidding Timelines: Once the school year has begun and previously stated timelines have expired, the following new timelines shall occur for electronic bids: • Routes: will be posted for viewing and selection for three (3) workdays • Buses: will be posted for viewing and selection for three (3) workdays • Trips: No change in bid timelines 3. If online bidding is unavailable, the above timelines in section 2 shall be five (5) workdays.
ELECTRONIC BIDDING. In order to submit a bid for the items associated with this procurement, you must fill in the pricing information on the “PLACE BID” page. No pre-bid will be held for this solicitation.
ELECTRONIC BIDDING. (2-19-19) 101, 102, 103 SP1 G140 Revise the 2018 Standard Specifications as follows: Page 1-4, Article 101-3, DEFINITIONS, BID (OR PROPOSAL) Electronic Bid, line 1, replace “Bid Express®” with “the approved electronic bidding provider”. (2-20-07) (Rev. 3-19-13) 105-16, 230, 801 SP1 G181 Water discharge from borrow pit sites shall not cause surface waters to exceed 50 NTUs (nephelometric turbidity unit) in streams not designated as trout waters and 10 NTUs in streams, lakes or reservoirs designated as trout waters. For lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTUs. If the turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level shall not be increased. If during any operating day, the downstream water quality exceeds the standard, the Contractor shall do all of the following:
ELECTRONIC BIDDINGThe bidder has to register with MSTC e–bid portal and should posses at least Class II signing type digital certificate issued by any of the Certifying Authorities for submitting their bid.
ELECTRONIC BIDDING. Process The electronic process in which the City of Oklahoma City shall advertise and receive bids. The electronic bids are available at xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx.


  • Electronic Notices If you have agreed to receive notices electronically, we may send you notices electronically and discontinue mailing paper notices to you until you notify us that you wish to reinstate receiving paper notices.

  • Electronic Notice As an alternative to physical delivery, any notice, may be delivered in electronic form to Buyer or 755 Seller, any individual named in this Contract to receive documents or notices for such party, Broker or Brokerage Firm of Broker 756 working with such party (except any notice or delivery after Closing must be received by the party, not Broker or Brokerage Firm) 757 at the electronic address of the recipient by facsimile, email or .

  • Electronic Devices No electronic devices that may hinder job performance or safety (especially cell phones), may be carried on employees’ person, or be used by employees during working hours.

  • ELECTRONIC CONTRACTING The parties agree that if this Contract is transmitted electronically neither party shall contest the validity of this Contract, or any acknowledgement thereof, on the basis that this Contract or acknowledgement contains an electronic signature.

  • Electronic Access Access by the Customer to certain systems, applications or products of Bank shall be governed by this Agreement and the terms and conditions set forth in Annex A Electronic Access.

  • Electronic Monitoring All observations shall be conducted openly. Mechanical or electronic devices shall not be used to listen to or record the procedures of any class without the prior knowledge and consent of the teacher.

  • Electronic Records You acknowledge and agree that we may in our discretion store all records electronically; and that we will not retain and have no obligation to retain any original documents for any period of time. This applies to all documentation including but not limited to checks, transaction records, notes, mortgages, deeds of trust and other loan and/or security documentation. We will routinely destroy all original documentation. We may store records electronically via imaging, scanning, filming or other technology used in the financial services industry for the storage of documentation via internal processes or third-party processors that we approve for these services. You agree that such storage shall be secure, and further agree that such records shall for all purposes be recognized and admissible in evidence or otherwise to prove the agreements, rights and obligations of the parties pursuant to any such records.

  • Electronic Storage The parties agree that the transaction described herein may be conducted and related documents may be stored by electronic means. Copies, telecopies, facsimiles, electronic files and other reproductions of original executed documents shall be deemed to be authentic and valid counterparts of such original documents for all purposes, including the filing of any claim, action or suit in the appropriate court of law.

  • Electronic Visit Verification ("EVV A. To ensure: 1. the EVV system is used to verify the provision of services governed under 40 TAC, Chapter 68 or its successor; 2. only authorized people access the Contractor's EVV account; 3. all data elements required by HHSC or HHSC's designee are uploaded or entered and maintained in the EVV system completely, accurately, and prior to submitting the claim; 4. that each time services governed by 40 TAC Chapter 68 or its successor are delivered to an individual, the Contractor's staff uses an HHSC-approved EVV system; and 5. service delivery documentation is immediately available for review by HHSC when requested. B. Equipment provided to Contractor by HHSC, HHSC’s designee, or an HHSC-approved EVV vendor, must be returned in good condition when the equipment is no longer needed under this Contract. In the context of this agreement, “good condition” means Contractor must not place any marks or identifying information on the equipment and may not alter information on the equipment including logos and serial numbers. If the equipment is lost, stolen, marked, altered or damaged by Contractor, Contractor may be required to pay the replacement cost for each piece of equipment that is lost, stolen, marked or damaged. Replacement costs for lost, stolen, marked or damaged equipment may be assessed periodically. If Contractor recovers previously lost or stolen equipment for which Contractor paid the replacement cost in the prior 12 months, Contractor may return the equipment and be reimbursed for the replacement costs within 12 months of the date HHSC, HHSC’s designee or an HHSC-approved EVV vendor (as applicable) received payment in full from the Contractor. This is provided the equipment is returned in good condition as specified above. C. HHSC may perform EVV compliance oversight reviews to determine if Contractor has complied with EVV compliance requirements as outlined in 40 TAC Chapter 68 or its successor, EVV Policy posted on the HHSC EVV website or EVV Policy Handbook. D. If the Contractor determines an electronic record in the EVV system needs to be adjusted at any time, the Contractor will make the adjustment in the EVV system using the most appropriate EVV reason code number(s), EVV reason code description(s) and enter any required free text when completing visit maintenance in the EVV system, if applicable. E. Contractor must begin using an HHSC-approved EVV system prior to submitting an EVV relevant claim. F. All claims for services required to use EVV (EVV claims) must match to an accepted EVV visit transaction in the EVV Aggregator (the state’s centralized EVV database) prior to reimbursement of an EVV claim. Without a matching accepted EVV visit transaction, the claim will be denied. G. Contractor must submit all EVV related claims through the Texas Medicaid Claims Administrator, or as otherwise described in the EVV Policy posted on the HHSC EVV website or in the EVV Policy Handbook. H. Contractor must complete all required EVV training as outlined in the EVV Policy posted on the HHSC EVV website or EVV Policy Handbook: • Prior to using either an EVV vendor system or an EVV proprietary system and • Yearly thereafter. I. Contractor and, if applicable, the Contractor’s appointed EVV system administrator, must complete, sign and date the EVV Onboarding Form as outlined in 40 TAC Chapter 68 or its successor, EVV Policy posted on the HHSC website or EVV Policy Handbook.

  • ELECTRONIC SUBMITTALS Contractor shall obtain a license for the State to utilize Submittal Exchange for the purposes of this project. The State and its representatives will have full control of the use of Submittal Exchange by authorized users of the State.