Examples of Radiological Work in a sentence
The requirements & programs identified in Preliminary Hazard Analysis PHA ID: 32 is to be used for evaluation dealing with general office duties performed in TOC-controlled office facilities and/or observations/walkthroughs in tank farm non-radiological and controlled radiological areas, including soil contamination areas and buffer areas, requiring a Low Risk Radiological Work Permit (RWP) only.
Preliminary hazard assessment PHA ID: 32 is to be used for general office duties performed in TOC-controlled office facilities and/or observations/walkthroughs in tank farm non-radiological and controlled radiological areas, including soil contamination areas and buffer areas, requiring a General (Not Specific) Radiological Work Permit (RWP) only.
There are currently problems with using the work management software (asset suite 7) effectively to create the kind of Radiological Work Permits (RWPs) and instructions required.
Area TLDs were placed in the following PNNL facilities (DOE-owned, DOE-leased, and Battelle private):• all 300 Area PNNL facilities where staff worked at least eight hours per month• all PNNL facilities where staff conducted radiological work (i.e., had a current Radiological Work Permit)• all PNNL facilities located within 15 m (~50 ft) of another facility (including those of other Hanford Site contractors) containing a radiological area (indoors or outdoors).
Preliminary hazard assessment PHA ID: 32 is to be used for general office duties performed in TOC-controlled office facilities and/or observations/walkthroughs in tank farm non-radiological and controlled radiological areas, including soil contamination areas and buffer areas, requiring a Low Risk Radiological Work Permit (RWP)only.
It is largely based on the workshop ‘Payments for Environmental Services - Methods and design in developing and developed countries’, which was held in Titisee, Germany, from June 15- 18, 2005.
Work in radiological areas will be performed using a Radiological Work Permit following review by Radiological Control per the ALARA Work Planning procedure TFC-ESHQ-RP_RWP-C-03.
Findings No findings of significance were identified..2 Radiological Work Planning a.
The construction of a new Radiological Work and Storage Building will streamline maintenance evolutions and increase the amount of time the Kesselring Site operating prototypes are available for training Navy students.
The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Naval Reactors, also known as the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program (NNPP), has prepared this Environmental Assessment (EA) to assess the potential impacts associated with the construction and operation of a new Radiological Work and Storage Building at the DOE Kesselring Site near West Milton, New York.