Very High definition

Very High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "Very High" if the incident reported has very serious consequences for normal business processes or IT processes related to core business processes, and urgent work cannot be performed. This is generally caused by the following circumstances: A PRD system is completely down. The imminent go-live or upgrade is jeopardized. The core business processes of Customer are seriously affected. A workaround is not available. The Incident requires immediate processing because the malfunction may cause serious losses.
Very High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "Very High" if the incident reported has very serious consequences for normal business processes or IT processes related to core business processes, and urgent work cannot be performed. This is generally caused by the following circumstances: 非常高:若报告的事件对正常的业务流程或与核心业务流程有关的IT 流程产生非常严重的影响,且紧急工作无法执行,则应该将该事件的优先级归为“非常高”。这通常由下列情况引起: A PRD system is completely down. PRD 系统完全停机。 The imminent go-live or upgrade is jeopardized. 危及即将进行的上线或升级。 The core business processes of Customer are seriously affected. 客户的核心业务流程受到严重影响。 A workaround is not available. 没有应急方案。 The Incident requires immediate processing because the malfunction may cause serious losses. 该事件必须立即得到处理,因为故障可能会导致严重损失。
Very High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "Very High" if the incident reported has very serious consequences for normal business processes or IT processes related to core business processes, and urgent work cannot be performed. This is generally caused by the following circumstances:

Examples of Very High in a sentence

  • The mixture does not contain substances classified as ‘Substances of Very High Concern' (SVHC) >= 0.1% published by the European CHemicals Agency (ECHA) under article 57 of REACH: mixture fulfils neither the PBT nor the vPvB criteria for mixtures in accordance with annexe XIII of the REACH regulations EC 1907/2006.

  • The mixture does not contain substances classified as ‘Substances of Very High Concern' (SVHC) >= 0.1% published by the European CHemicals Agency (ECHA) under article 57 of REACH: mixture satisfies neither the PBT nor the vPvB criteria for mixtures in accordance with annexe XIII of the REACH regulations EC 1907/2006.

  • Chemicals included in the European Union candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern in accordance with Article 59 of Regulation (EC) 1907/2006 on the basis of Article 57(d), Article 57(e), or Article 57(f) for persistent bioaccumulative and toxic, or very persistent and very bioaccumulative properties.

  • International Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) Schedules of Toxic Chemicals and Precursors: Not applicable REACH - Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation (Article 59).: None of the components are listed (=> 0.1 %).

  • The mixture does not contain any substances classified as 'Substances of Very High Concern' (SVHC) by the European CHemical s Agency (ECHA) under article 57 of REACH: mixture satisfies neither the PBT nor the vPvB criteria for mixtures in accordance with annexe XIII of the REACH regulations EC 1907/2006.

More Definitions of Very High

Very High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "Very High" if the incident reported has very serious consequences for normal business processes or IT processes related to core business processes, and urgent work cannot be performed. This is generally caused by the following circumstances:/ A PRD system is completely down./ Sistem PRD tidak beroperasi secara menyeluruh. The imminent go-live or upgrade is jeopardized./ Go-live atau pemutakhiran yang akan segera terjadi mengalami bahaya. The core business processes of Customer are seriously affected./ Proses bisnis inti Xxxxxxxxx terdampak serius. A workaround is not available./ Solusi sementara tidak tersedia. The Incident requires immediate processing because the malfunction may cause serious losses./ Insiden memerlukan pemrosesan segera karena malafungsi yang terjadi dapat menyebabkan kerugian berat.
Very High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "Very High" if the incident reported has very serious consequences for normal business processes or IT processes related to core business processes, and urgent work cannot be performed. This is generally caused by the following circumstances: 3.1.1. 最優先:報告されたインシデントが非常に深刻で、通常のビジネスプロセス又は中核的なビジネスプロセスに関連する IT プロセスに支障を来しており、緊急の作業が実行できない場合は、「インシデント」の優先度は「最優先」に分類される。これは一般的に、以下のような状況が原因となる。 A PRD system is completely down.
Very High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "Very High" if the incident reported has very serious consequences for normal business processes or IT processes related to core business processes, and urgent work cannot be performed. This is generally caused by the following circumstances: 매우 높음(Very High): 보고된 문제점이 핵심 비즈니스 프로세스와 관련된 정상적인 비즈니스 프로세스 또는 IT 프로세스에 매우 심각한 영향을 미치는 경우, 그리고 긴급한 작업을 수행할 수 없는 경우 문제점을 우선순위 “매우 높음(Very High)”으로 분류해야 합니다. 일반적으로 이러한 문제는 다음과 같은 경우에 발생합니다. A PRD system is completely down. PRD 시스템이 완전히 중단됨 The imminent go-live or upgrade is jeopardized. 곧 시행될 Go-Live 또는 업그레이드가 위협받음 The core business processes of Customer are seriously affected. 고객의 핵심 비즈니스 프로세스가 심각한 영향을 받음 A workaround is not available. 차선책을 사용할 수 없음 The Incident requires immediate processing because the malfunction may cause serious losses. 장애로 인해 큰 손실이 발생할 수 있으므로 이 문제점은 발생 즉시 처리해야 합니다.
Very High in the CWPP’s proprietary scale of “Relative Hazard Rankingbased on the potential predicted fire behavior. The Marin County CWPP recommends fuel treatments along roadways to improve fire apparatus access, increase the speed and safety of evacuation, and reduce the likelihood of flame and heat impingement on the roadway. The CWPP modeling estimates that within the Very High zones, under extreme fire conditions flames lengths will be greater than 11 feet , and rates of spread in excess of 60 feet per minute. This project will specifically addresses and implement Section 8.1.5 of the CWPP Recommendations and Action Plan, “Integrate fire and fuels management practices,” which states: ⮚ Continue to implement and maintain vegetation management projects along highly-traveled roadways and access points into all public lands in order to minimize ignitions. ⮚ Prioritize evacuation routes for fuel reduction programs ⮚ Develop traffic congestion controls along evacuation routes ⮚ Implement stronger parking enforcement along evacuation routes ⮚ Continue to maintain foot trail network in Mill Valley ⮚ Implement maintenance program for foot trail network in Fairfax ⮚ Consider if additional vegetation reduction is required from roadways that are key evacuation routes into or out of a particular neighborhood The proposed project addresses these issues on roadways identified as primary and secondary evacuation routes in the Marin County Mutual Threat Zone (MTZ) evacuation and structure defense plan adopted by the Marin County Fire Chief’s Association
Very High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "Very High" if the incident reported has very serious consequences for normal business processes or IT processes related to core business processes, and urgent work cannot be performed. This is generally caused by the following circumstances: • A PRD system is completely down. PRD 系統完全當機。 • The imminent go-live or upgrade is jeopardized. 無法立即上線或更新。 • The core business processes of Customer are seriously affected. 客戶的核心業務流程受到嚴重影響。 • A workaround is not available. 無法使用暫時性解決方案。 The Incident requires immediate processing because the malfunction may cause serious losses. 事故需要立即處理,因為該故障可能會造成嚴重的損失。
Very High. An Incident should be categorized with the priority "Very High" if the incident reported has very serious consequences for normal business processes or IT processes related to core business processes, and urgent work cannot be performed. This is generally caused by the following circumstances: 最高:若客戶回報的事故對正常業務流程,或對核心業務流程的相關 IT 程序造成非常嚴重的後果,且無法執行急迫的工作,則此事故應歸類為「最高」優先順序。常見情況如下: • A PRD system is completely down. PRD 系統完全當機。 • The imminent go-live or upgrade is jeopardized. 無法立即上線或更新。 • The core business processes of Customer are seriously affected. 客戶的核心業務流程受到嚴重影響。 • A workaround is not available. 無法使用暫時性解決方案。 The Incident requires immediate processing because the malfunction may cause serious losses. 事故需要立即處理,因為該故障可能會造成嚴重的損失。
Very High means that this grantee scored higher than 84% of grantees across the state