Rate Effective Date definition
Examples of Rate Effective Date in a sentence
As a result, there will be no ratemaking effects associated with recording goodwill under GAAP US for KEDNY and KEDLI.The Commission's approval of the KEDNY and KEDLI Merger Rate Plans signifies that such Rate Plans meet the accounting requirements of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 71 and will do so throughout their terms.As of the Rate Effective Date, KEDNY's and KEDLI's fiscal year will be changed to a year ending March 31st.
BX Estimated (Loss)/Gain NUMBER (10,2) The projected loss at REO 1 Servicer Loan Number Your Loan Number 2 SBO Loan Number Aurora Master Servicer Loan Number 5 Modified Interest Rate Effective Date The date the new Interest Rate is in effect.
WorldCom acknowledges that the rates charged to Customer from and after November 30, 1998, through the Rate Effective Date described in Section 1 above shall be consistent with the rates provided under the WilMAX Telecommunications Services Agreement dated June 1, 1996 (the "NTC AGREEMENT"), as referenced in that certain Payment Agreement by and between WorldCom, Customer and National Telephone & Communications, Inc.
The rates, terms and conditions of this Attachment are effective as of the date on which this Attachment is made part of the Agreement (i.e., on the date the Agreement is initially executed by both parties or, if this Attachment is not part of the Agreement as initially executed, on the date the Agreement is thereafter amended to include this Attachment) which date is referred to as the "Rate Effective Date".
The "Interim Payment Amount" is determined by subtracting (1) the total payments that EDISON would have made to SELLER using the Fixed Rate, as defined in Section 3.4.2 below, for energy delivered by SELLER to EDISON during the period between the Rate Effective Date, defined in Section 3.4.2, and the Final Payment Date (the "Rate Adjustment Period") from (2) the total payments actually made by EDISON for energy deliveries by SELLER during the Rate Adjustment Period.