rateable property means property on which the municipality may in terms of Section 2 of the Property Rates Act 2004 levy a rate, but excluding property fully excluded from the levying of rates in terms of Section 17 of that Act.
rateable property means property on which a municipality may in terms of section 2 levy a rate, excluding property fully excluded from the levying of rates in terms of section 17;
rateable property means land that is subject to municipal taxation; (“bien imposable”)
More Definitions of rateable property
rateable property. , means property on which a municipality may levy a rate, excluding property fully excluded from the levying of rates;
rateable property. , subject to subsection (4), means property on which a rate may be levied in terms of Part XIX;
rateable property means property on which the Council is empowered to impose rates;
rateable property means a municipal rate or property on which a municipality may in terms of section 2 of the Municipality Property Rates Act levy a rate, excluding property fully excluded from the levying of rates in terms of section 17 of the Municipal Property Rates Act
rateable property means rateable property as defined in section 1 of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act No. 23 of 1992);
rateable property means lands and tenements which are rateable lands within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1989;