Examples of Real Estate Owned in a sentence
REO flag VARCHAR2(7) Y=Active REO N=No active REO Servicer defined indicator that identifies that the property is now Real Estate Owned.
Credit Application: For the Credit Application, AMC verified that the application: (i) was signed by all listed borrowers, (ii) was substantially filled out, (iii) contained all known borrower-owned properties on the Real Estate Owned section 2, and (iv) included the borrower’s employment history.
AHFA will select 1 Non-AHFA Project for inspection based on the AHFA Schedule of Real Estate Owned submitted by the applicant.
Note 3: When property is acquired (Real Estate Owned), any excess of the carrying value of loan over the net realizable value of property is charged against the allowance for loan losses.
The NYC HDC Real Estate Owned Corporation (“REO Subsidiary Corporation”) was established under Section 654-a of the Act on September 20, 2004.