Examples of Reciprocal Agreements in a sentence
Reciprocal Agreements I.B.E.W. Local Union 2085 Members – Union Members working in a jurisdiction other than I.B.E.W. Local Union 2085, and on whose behalf contributions are being made to a Health and Welfare Trust Fund should complete a Transfer Authority Form and advise the Local Union or Plan Administrator to reciprocate contributions to their “Home Fund”.
Use of Purchasing Agreements of and Reciprocal Agreements with Other Public and Non-Profit Agencies; Solicitations for Multiple Departments.
Authority of Vice Chancellor for Administration to Enter into Reciprocal Agreements with Other States Concerning Grants.
For this purpose, it may conclude recipro- cal, one-sided and other cooperation agreements (hereinafter referred to as "Reciprocal Agreements") and thus further assign the Rights assigned to it.
Reciprocal Agreements or any other forms of ‘quid pro quo’ (an exchange of goods or services, where one transfer is contingent upon the other) are prohibited unless they are legitimate business arrangements which are properly documented and approved by Management.
The Board of Trustees has Reciprocal Agreements with several other union pension plans in Canada.
I realize that by requesting this cessation of the transfer of monies, I shall not be eligible to select a new Home Fund and have money transferred pursuant to the BAC Pension or Health Reciprocal Agreement(s) so long as I work in the area of the Participating Fund to which I have requested a cessation of the transfer of monies.
Cooperative and Reciprocal Agreements 31 Title 46PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDSPart V.
Pursuant to the resolutions of 2011 Annual General Meeting convened on 25 May 2012, on the basis of a total of 398,924,200 shares as at 31 December 2011, the Company enlarged its share capital through conversion from capital reserve in the proportion of 1 shares for each existing share, converting 398,924,200 shares in aggregate, and the conversion date was 19 July 2012.
These funds are distributed to the RROs that have signed Reciprocal Agreements with CLNZ involving the transfer of licensing fees between them (A Agreement) but not to RROs that have signed a repertoire only agreement (B Agreement).