Examples of Record locator service in a sentence
In Oklahoma individuals must be informed that they have the right to opt-out of participation in the Record Locator Service so that their health care records are not found or located as a mechanism to preserve an individual’s right to privacy.
Participant is also responsible for administering any Individual request for opt-out from the Record Locator Service, if required under applicable state law, including taking appropriate steps to ensure the Individual’s opt-out request information is appropriately tracked in the HIE Technology in accordance with the Simply Connect Policy Manual.
Participant must honor all individual requests for opt-out from the Record Locator Service, if required under applicable state law.
The only data stored in the health information exchange will be the demographic records indexed in the Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI), the record registries in the Record Locator Service (RLS) and the data required to report an audit trail for any record requests.
The data repository is maintained separately from the Enterprise Master Patient Index (EMPI) and Record Locator Service (RLS) to add an additional layer of security.
Shared hosting would also allow the FHIN to provide the Master Patient Index and Record Locator Service for the RHIOs, reducing their cost of operations.
The Agency plans to deploy a Record Locator Service that will synchronize with the RLS of other participants in the FHIN and integrate duplicated, redundant records.
This will be accomplished through the Enterprise Master Patient Index and the Record Locator Service.