Administration and Governance a. A Human Resources Department Committee will administer the Sick Leave Bank and will determine the validity of claims against the Bank.
b. The Personnel Department will make available an annual report of usage of the Bank to the School Board and to Participating members.
c. Appeals shall be handled by the Superintendent who will establish a five member Appeals Committee, representatives of both Association and management for the purpose of settling any dispute arising from claims against the Bank. The Committee will be comprised of two members from the Teacher Association appointed by the President and two members appointed by the Superintendent, and one Non-Instructional person mutually agreed upon by the Association President and the Superintendent. This Appeals committee shall be the final authority on all disputes or interpretation involving eligibility for benefits.
Administration and Governance. 1. A SLB Committee designated by the Superintendent will administer the SLB and determine the validity of claims against the SLB. The SLB Committee shall include health care professionals (two non-voting) from the plans in the Benefits Trust, the CTA president or designee, the OESPA president or designee, the Orange County Service Unit Executive Director and three District administrators. Such determination shall be expedited in cases of extreme hardship.
a. Step 1: The initial decision is made by a designee(s) of the committee and sent to the employee.
b. Step 2: If the claim of the member is denied, an employee may request, in writing, an appeal of the decision within five duty days of receipt of the denial. Such decisions will be appealed to the full Committee. The decision of the full Committee is final.
2. Quarterly reports of usage of the SLB shall be available to members. A copy shall be provided to the Union and the Fringe Benefits Committee. The report shall include the number of days used and the reasons for usage.
Administration and Governance. 1) The district finance office shall establish procedures for identifying and recording contributions to the Sick Leave Bank and for complying with applicable governmental regulations and/or associated record keeping.
2) The Sick Leave Bank shall be administered by a committee of three employees named by the Association and three employees named by the Superintendent. The Committee shall receive all requests for withdrawals from the bank. A minimum of four (4) committee signatures is required for all approvals or denials of withdrawal requests. Denials will be fully explained in writing.
3) Appeals shall be handled by the Superintendent who will establish a five member Appeals Committee, representative of both Association and management for the purpose of settling any dispute arising from claims against the Bank. The Committee shall be comprised of two members named by the President of the LEA and two members named by the Superintendent and one mutually agreed upon member. This Appeals Committee shall be the final authority on all disputes or interpretation involving eligibility for benefits.
Administration and Governance. 1. A SLB Committee designated by the Superintendent will administer the SLB and determine the validity of claims against the SLB. The SLB Committee shall include health care professionals (two non-voting) from the plans in the Benefits Trust, the CTA president and designee, the OESPA president and designee, and two District administrators. Such determination shall be expedited in cases of extreme hardship.
Step 1: The initial decision is made by a designee(s) of the committee and sent to the employee.
Administration and Governance. 1. The Department for Human Resources will administer the Sick Leave Bank and a Sick Leave Bank Approval Committee will determine the validity of claims against the Bank.
2. A Sick Leave Bank Approval Committee will consist of six (6) members -- the Superintendent or designee, the President of SJEA or designee, and the President of SJESPA or designee and three others, one representative from each group. Any disputes or appeals arising from requests will be made to this committee. The Sick Leave Bank Approval Committee shall be the final authority on all disputes, appeals, or interpretations involving eligibility for benefits.
3. The Department for Human Resources will make available an annual report of usage of the Bank to the School Board and to participating members.
Administration and Governance. The Library CEO or a Library liaison will serve on the Friends Board as an ex-officio, non-voting member, attending all regular meetings. A representative of the Library Board may also be an ex- officio, non-voting member of the Friends Board.
Administration and Governance. A. The Sick Leave Bank will be administered through the Human Resources office. By November 1 of each year, the Risk Management Office shall provide a list to each school site of all MBUs currently enrolled as members of the Sick Leave Bank. MBUs may check this list to determine their membership status. At this time the Risk Management Office shall also provide to all MBUs an information sheet regarding the Sick Leave Bank, outlining basic information of the bank, including benefits of membership and requirements for joining. An application form for membership shall be included with the Sick Leave Bank information sheet.
B. An Overview Committee consisting of two representatives appointed by the Superintendent, two representatives appointed by the Association, and one representative jointly appointed shall be formed to administer the bank. Administration of the bank shall include approval of each request for leave and investigation of any alleged abuse.
C. All requests for Sick Leave Bank use shall be provided immediately by Risk Management to all members of the Overview Committee. All decisions regarding approval or disapproval for granting of Sick Leave Bank days shall be rendered by a majority vote of the Overview Committee within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of completed application. The Overview Committee has the sole authority and discretion as to whether Sick Leave Bank days shall be awarded. The Overview Committee’s determination is not subject to grievance and arbitration.
Administration and Governance. (a) A Personnel Department Committee will administer the Sick Leave Bank and will determine the validity of claims against the Bank.
(b) The Personnel Department will make available an annual report of usage of the Bank to the School Board and to Participating members.
(c) Appeals shall be handled by the Superintendent who will establish a five
Administration and Governance. 1. A Sick Leave Bank Committee designated by the Superintendent will administer the Bank and determine the validity of claims against the Bank. Such determinations shall be expedited in cases of extreme hardship. If the claim of a member is denied, the employee shall be provided the reason in writing, with a copy sent to the Association. The employee may request, in writing, reconsideration of the decision within two work days of receipt of the denial. If this fails to resolve the dispute, the matter shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
Administration and Governance. Chair/Coordinator Supports