Recovery agent definition
Recovery agent means any individual who, for consideration, advertises as providing or performs repossessions.
Recovery agent means an individual who is licensed under this chapter to provide a recovery service.
Recovery agent means an individual who, for consideration, performs collateral recovery services.
Examples of Recovery agent in a sentence
Recovery agent performs roll back recovery after occurrence of failure.
Company may allocate overdue cases to Recovery agent and/or take legal courses including those under SARFAESI Act.Company reserves the right to initiate any action/(s) at any point of time.
Employees tend to take requests from the CEO seriously3.• Recovery agent fraud.
Recovery agent documentation- You may be asked to sign documentation by the recovery agent which relate to the service being provided.
Recovery agent: The recovery agent will be responsible for collecting operational, validation and uncertainty data, and proposing actions based on that input data.
More Definitions of Recovery agent
Recovery agent means a person who, for consideration, works in the business of performing repossessions. A recovery agent must be employed by a licensed recovery agency.
Recovery agent means a person or entity who provides recovery information for storage services;
Recovery agent means an individual who is licensed as a recovery agent under
Recovery agent means any individual, other than an attorney or law enforcement officer, utilized by a professional bail bond company, professional surety company, professional bail bondsman, or professional surety to apprehend a defendant who was released on bail and who violated the terms of his or her bail.
Recovery agent means any individual and recovery agency is an agency who, for consideration, advertises as providing or performs repossessions as described below. These individuals and agencies must be licensed. "Repossession" means the recovery of a motor vehicle as defined under s.320.01 (1 ), F.S., mobile home as defined in s. 320.01 (2), F.S., a motorboat as defined under s. 327.02, F.S., an aircraft as defined in s. 330.27 (1 ), F.S., a personal watercraft as defined in control, custody and possession of such repossessed property.
Recovery agent means any individual and recovery agency is an agency who, for consideration, advertises as providing or performs repossessions as described below. These individuals and agencies must be licensed.
Recovery agent means the Determination Agent or such other dealer in the relevant market of the type of Underlying Assets that are subject to a Recovery Process as may be selected, for as long as 100 per cent. of the Outstanding Principal Amount of the Notes are held by the Initial Purchaser, by the 100 per cent. Noteholders.