Reference Capacity Price definition

Reference Capacity Price. An index of NYISO Capacity Market prices for the Applicable Zone calculated as set forth in Section 4.01 of this Agreement.
Reference Capacity Price means a price, measured in
Reference Capacity Price bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 13.1(a) ; “Reference Date” means [insert date, 2011]5;

Examples of Reference Capacity Price in a sentence

  • NYSERDA may (and, at the request of Seller, shall) review past invoices, including, but not limited to, the calculation of the Reference Energy Price and Reference Capacity Price, to determine if a true-up adjustment is necessary.

  • The monthly Reference Price is the sum of the Reference Energy Price and the monthly Reference Capacity Price, as described in Section4.1.2. Proposers of Projects that include hydropower Resources must submit a firm offer price that includes the Supplier Energy Baseline and a firm offer price both with and without the Supplier Energy Baseline as determined through Step One.

  • The monthly Reference Price is the sum of the Reference Energy Price and the monthly Reference Capacity Price, as described in Section 4.1.2. Each Proposal should be priced assuming that the Project will operate in a dedicated radial configuration.

  • The Monthly OREC Price will be calculated during a settlement period following the conclusion of each month according to Section 4.04 of the Agreement.The calculation of each month’s Reference Capacity Price will be based on a Reference UCAP Price, as defined in Section 4.03 of the Agreement.

  • As was required in the Index REC Order, for future Fixed-Price OREC bids that are ultimately awarded a contract, NYSERDA is directed to include provisions in those contracts to allow for modification to the OREC price in order to address any double payments in the event that the generator is otherwise compensated for its renewable attributes.The Reference Energy Price and Reference Capacity Price used in calculating the Index OREC shall also conform with the Index REC Order.

  • See Section 8.3.3. SPIndex = Index REC Strike Price ($/MWh) REP = Reference Energy Price ($/MWh) RCP = Reference Capacity Price ($/MWh)MF = Mitigation Factor (%), defined in Section 4.01 of the Agreement Each month’s Index REC Strike Price shall be as offered in the Bid Proposal for the relevant Contract Year, with the same Index REC Strike Price applied for every month of the Contract Tenor.

  • The Joint Utilities believe that this would create the potential for arbitrage where the developer would have an incentive to establish a lower Reference Capacity Price in order to receive a higher Index REC price.

  • She observed that travel restrictions instituted to fight the Covid-19 pandemic had adversely impacted mobility had been within Africa in both land and air travel with negative effects on trade and tourism.

  • Under the Index OREC pricing structure, the OREC price varies monthly and is calculated as the Index OREC Strike Price minus the sum of the Reference Energy Price and the Reference Capacity Price, as described in Section 4.1.2.Each Proposal should be priced assuming that the Project will operate in a dedicated radial configuration.

  • Reference Capacity Price The reference capacity price for the Index REC should be calculated in the same manner as the reference capacity price for the Index OREC42: as the product of (1) the reference UCAP price ($/kW-month) for the zone in which the project is located, (2) the project’s CES-eligible installed capacity (MW), and (3) the project’s UCAP production factor (decimal fraction), divided by (4) the monthly production (MWh).

More Definitions of Reference Capacity Price

Reference Capacity Price. A broad index of NYISO Capacity Market prices for the coastal and near-coastal zones of New York State calculated as set forth in Section 4.03 of this Agreement.
Reference Capacity Price or “RCP” – means, for each Contract Year, the price, stated at Bid Date values, to be paid by BPDB to the Company for one unit of the available Dependable Capacity pursuant to the terms of the PPA, as further explained in Section A, Article 5 and as set out by the Bidder in Annex D, Exhibit II, Table B-2.
Reference Capacity Price bears the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 13.1(a) ;
Reference Capacity Price. An index of NYISO Capacity Market prices for Zone J calculated as set forth in Section 4.03 of this Agreement.
Reference Capacity Price means the rate, in US$/MWh, payable to the Company for providing generating capacity, which rate shall (whether or not such rate actually compensates the Company for providing such capacity) be as set forth in Annex A to this Schedule. The Reference Capacity Price shall remain constant over the term of this Agreement unless amended by the Parties.
Reference Capacity Price. An index of NYISO Capacity Market prices for Zone J calculated as set forth in Section 4.02 of this Agreement.

Related to Reference Capacity Price

  • Liquidity Price means the price per share equal to (x) the Valuation Cap divided by (y) the Liquidity Capitalization.

  • Reliability pricing model or "RPM" means PJM's capacity-

  • Reference Amount In relation to (a) any Term Obligation, the Outstanding Principal Amount thereof and (b) any Committed Obligation, the Commitment Amount thereof. Utilization Amount: In relation to any Calculation Period, the daily average of the Portfolio Notional Funded Amount during such Calculation Period. Maximum Portfolio Notional Amount: USD750,000,000, or such greater amount as the parties may agree to in writing. Minimum Portfolio Notional Amount: 80% of the Maximum Portfolio Notional Amount. Business Day: New York Business Day Convention: Following (which shall apply to any date specified herein for the making of any payment or determination or the taking of any action which falls on a day that is not a Business Day). If any anniversary date specified herein would fall on a day on which there is no corresponding day in the relevant calendar month, then such anniversary date shall be the last day of such calendar month. Floating Rate Index: Whenever in this Confirmation reference is made to any Floating Rate Option (including any floating rate index specified in any Reference Obligation Credit Agreement) or to USD-LIBOR-BBA (each, a "Floating Rate Index"), in no event may such Floating Rate Index be less than zero. In addition, with respect to any Counterparty First Floating Amount, if payment of interest on a Reference Obligation (or any portion thereof) is subject to the payment of a specified minimum rate regardless of the level of the relevant Floating Rate Index, then, without limiting the effect of the preceding sentence, such Floating Rate Index will be determined without regard to such specified minimum rate. Monthly Period: Each period from and including the 12th day of any calendar month to but excluding the same day of the immediately succeeding calendar month. Calculation Agent: Citibank; provided that, if an Event of Default described in Section 5(a)(vii) occurs with respect to Citibank as Defaulting Party and no Event of Default has occurred with respect to Counterparty as Defaulting Party, then Counterparty may designate any of Bank of America, NA, The Bank of Montreal, Barclays Bank plc, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank AG, JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., UBS AG and Xxxxx Fargo Bank, National Association as Calculation Agent, which designation shall be effective only (a) if such designated entity accepts such appointment and agrees to perform the duties of the Calculation Agent hereunder and (b) so long as such Event of Default with respect to Citibank as Defaulting Party continues. Unless otherwise specified, the Calculation Agent shall make all determinations, calculation s and adjustments required pursuant to this Confirmation in good faith and on a commercially reasonable basis. Calculation Agent City: New York Initial Price: In relation to any Reference Obligation (and the related Transaction), the Initial Price specified in Annex I. The Initial Price will be determined as of the related Obligation Trade Date exclusive of accrued interest and will be expressed as a percentage of the Reference Amount. The Initial Price will be determined exclusive of Costs of Assignment that would be incurred by a buyer in connection with any purchase of the Reference Obligation and exclusive of any Delay Compensation.

  • Reference Price means the Reference Price of the Underlying as specified in § 1 of the Product and Underlying Data.

  • Storage Capacity means any combination of space, injectability and deliverability.

  • Maximum Capacity or ‘Pmax’ means the maximum continuous active power which a power-generating module can produce, less any demand associated solely with facilitating the operation of that power-generating module and not fed into the network as specified in the connection agreement or as agreed between the relevant system operator and the power-generating facility owner;

  • Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER means, for any source, the more stringent rate of emissions based on the following:

  • Nameplate capacity means the maximum electrical generating output (in MWe) that a generator can sustain over a specified period of time when not restricted by seasonal or other deratings as measured in accordance with the United States Department of Energy standards.

  • Relevant Reference Price means the Reference Price on the Final Valuation Date. "Security Holder" means the holder of a Security.

  • Project Capacity means the AC capacity of the project at the generating terminal(s) and to be contracted with MSEDCL for supply from the Solar Power Project.