Examples of Region C in a sentence
In recent years, the increasing population and economic development in Region C have led to growing demands for water.
Appendix E includes a copy of a letter sent to the Chair of the Region C Water Planning Group (RCWPG) along with the water conservation and drought contingency plan.
Once System Lead Entity B has met award-specified Program Design benchmarks, the entity would be able to access Program Implementation award funds to implement the sectoral partnership.• Region C has an existing regional workforce training system coordinated by System Lead Entity C that is working well.
The City of Denton is located within the Region C water planning area.
Projects in Columbus County compete in Region C with eligible projects throughout the 12 counties in NCDOT Divisions 5 and 6, including the cities of Raleigh, Durham, Fayetteville, Cary, and Lumberton.