Transit Service means the delivery of Transit Traffic.
Development Services “Target Market”; “Investment Areas”; and “Targeted Populations” have the meanings ascribed to such terms in 12 C.F.R. 1805.104.
Appropriate office of the state employment service system means the local office of the federal-state national system or public employment offices with assigned responsibility for serving the area where the employment opening is to be filled, including the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Signal Transfer Point (STP) performs a packet switching function that routes signaling messages among Service Switching Points (SSP), Service Control Points (SCP), Signaling Points (SP), and other STPs in order to set up calls and to query databases for Advanced Services.
Services Start Date means the date as set out in the Specification (Schedule 1);
IT Services any services relating to the IT Systems or to any other aspect of the Company's or any of the Subsidiaries' data processing or data transfer requirements, including facilities management, bureau services, hardware maintenance, software development or support, consultancy, source code deposit, recovery and network services;
Preventive services means preservation services, as defined
Virginia Stormwater Management Program or “VSMP” means a program approved by the State Board after September 13, 2011, that has been established by a locality to manage the quality and quantity of runoff resulting from land-disturbing activities and shall include such items as local ordinances, rules, permit requirements, annual standards and specifications, policies and guidelines, technical materials, and requirements for plan review, inspection, enforcement, where authorized in this article, and evaluation consistent with the requirements of this article and associated regulations.
Regional Transmission Expansion Plan means the plan prepared by the Office of the Interconnection pursuant to Operating Agreement, Schedule 6 for the enhancement and expansion of the Transmission System in order to meet the demands for firm transmission service in the PJM Region.
Interconnection Service(s) means any Interconnection, Resale Services, 251(c)(3) UNEs, Collocation, functions, facilities, products or services offered under this Agreement.
Child protective services means the identification, receipt and immediate response to complaints
Supportive services means social, health, educational, income support and employment services and benefits, coordination of community building and educational activities, individualized needs assessment, and individualized assistance with obtaining services and benefits.
AT&T SOUTHEAST REGION 9-STATE means the AT&T owned ILEC(s) doing business in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.
Cemetery services means cremations, grave openings and closings, and installation of grave memorials.
Commercial Services means any waste management service, relating or connected to accumulating, collecting, managing, recycling, sorting, storing, treating, transporting, disposing, buying or selling of waste or any other manner of handling waste excluding services rendered by the municipality;
DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES means therapies, typically provided by a qualified professional using a treatment plan, that are intended to lessen deficiencies in normal age appropriate function. The therapies generally are meant to limit deficiencies related to injury or disease that have been present since birth. This is true even if the deficiency was detected during a later developmental stage. The deficiency may be the result of injury or disease during the developmental period. Developmental services are applied for sustained periods of time to promote acceleration in developmentally related functional capacity. This plan covers developmental services unless specifically listed as not covered.
Case management services means planned referral, linkage, monitoring and support, and advocacy provided in partnership with a consumer to assist that consumer with self sufficiency and community tenure and take place in the individual’s home, in the community, or in the facility, in accordance with a service plan developed with and approved by the consumer and qualified staff.
Multiphase professional services contract means a contract for the providing of professional
Recreational trail means a trail, lane, path, road, or other right of way that because of its scenic, wild, or topographical nature, has as its primary purpose recreational use of the trail itself.
Interregional Transmission Project means transmission facilities that would be located within two or more neighboring transmission planning regions and are determined by each of those regions to be a more efficient or cost effective solution to regional transmission needs.
Home health aide services means the personal care and maintenance activities provided to individuals for the purpose of promoting normal standards of health and hygiene.
Respite services means a temporary period of relief and support for individuals and their families provided in a variety of settings. The intent is to provide a safe environment with staff assistance for individuals who lack an adequate support system to address current issues related to a disability. Respite may be provided for a defined period of time; respite is either planned or provided in response to a crisis.
Inpatient services means services provided to you as an admitted inpatient in a recognised private or public hospital for treatment that is in an included clinical category, has a Medicare item number allocated and a Medicare benefit is payable.
General Services has the meaning ascribed to it in section "2.1" hereinbelow;
Procurement Services shall refer to a business unit of OGS, formerly known as New York State Procurement (“NYSPro”) and Procurement Services Group (“PSG”).
Hospice services means symptom and pain management to a terminally ill individual, and emotional, spiritual and bereavement services for the individual and their family in a place of temporary or permanent residence, and may include the provision of home health and home care services for the terminally ill individual.