Regionally Significant definition
Examples of Regionally Significant in a sentence
It includes national historic landmarks and federal, state and county publicly-owned parks, forests, and recreation areas.The Highlands Council also adopted a Procedure for Nomination, Evaluation and Inventory of Highlands Regionally Significant Scenic Resources which establishes the process for formal nomination and inclusion of additional scenic resources in the Highlands Scenic Resource Inventory.
If the model posits that there are no modifiers in these sentences, then it will not identify their shared structure, and will derive them using distinct sets of elementary trees, as on the top of Figure 4.
The League will advocate for an increase in the state’s investment in key infrastructure funding sources, including, but not limited to, the Special Public Works Fund (SPWF), Brownfield Redevelopment Fund, and Regionally Significant Industrial Site loan program.
It includes national historic landmarks and federal, state and county publicly‐owned parks, forests, and recreation areas.The Highlands Council also adopted a Procedure for Nomination, Evaluation and Inventory of Highlands Regionally Significant Scenic Resources which establishes the process for formal nomination and inclusion of additional scenic resources in the Highlands Scenic Resource Inventory.
To improve the economy, Title 4 seeks to provide and protect a supply of sites for employment by limiting the types and scale of non-industrial uses in Regionally Significant Industrial Areas (RSIAs), Industrial and Employment Areas.
Specific attention will be paid to impacts on implementation of the Regionally Significant Corridor (RSC), Regional Active Transportation Corridors (RATC), and Regional Transit Corridor (RTC) networks.Overall Impact/Intent:This Work Task improves the local planning coordination through early and comprehensive reviews by the transportation planning and implementing agencies.
The consenting impediment presented by non-complying status does not give effect to the RPS provisions for Regionally Significant Infrastructure, and is not necessary to give effect to the applicable higher order provisions for ecological protection.
The STIP also includes all Regionally Significant Transportation Projects, regardless of funding source.
The Highlands Council also adopted a Procedure for Nomination, Evaluation and Inventory of Highlands Regionally Significant Scenic Resources which establishes the process for formal nomination and inclusion of additional scenic resources in the Highlands Scenic Resource Inventory.
A non-complying activity status for certain activities associated with Regionally Significant Infrastructure does not appropriately give effect to the relevant higher order documents.