Register of Interests means the Trust’s register of interests as amended and updated from time to time;
Register of Interests means the Register maintained by the Trust Secretary of Governors interests declared from time to time;
Examples of Register of Interests in a sentence
A GB Register of Interests is maintained, kept up to date and is publicly available to help provide transparency and promote public confidence in the College.
More Definitions of Register of Interests
Register of Interests means the register of interests of Committee
Register of Interests means the Register established under section 103 of the Constitution containing the information furnished by members of the House of Assembly under Part VI; (Inserted by Ord. 28 of 2012)
Register of Interests means the Register established by Ordinance B5.2;
Register of Interests means the register established under section
Register of Interests means the information compiled by the Ethical Compliance Officer of all Significant Interests held by IAAF Officials and IAAF Staff, against which all proposed agreements, transactions or arrangements to which the IAAF contemplates becoming a party will be reviewed.
Register of Interests means the register of interests of Board Members kept under theseRules.