Examples of Registered Property in a sentence
A Registered Property Owner MUST SUBMIT a Signed Letter of Authorization for an Agent if; An Authorized Agent signs the PDS-346 form and is not the registered owner of the parcel.Or, the parcel is owned by two or more registered owners.Or, not all of the registered owners are signing the PDS-346 form.
This section must be completed if the Registered Property Owner(s) (per Title Search) is(/are) not the Applicant OR if there are more than one Registered Property Owners.
Those Registered Property Owners who are not signing as the Applicant must provide their written approval for the Applicant acting on their behalf by signing this Letter of Authorization.
Part of the above shown below as Parcels 1 through 4, is Registered Property as evidenced by Certificate No. 830754.
The Registered Property Owner must complete this section to authorize an Applicant to act on his or her behalf, and declare that the information provided within this application is accurate and true.