Registrar Agent definition
Examples of Registrar Agent in a sentence
All applications must be received in good order by the Registrar Agent prior to 2.00 p.m. (Central European Time) on the Business Day preceding the relevant Valuation Day.
The Depositary, Administrative Agent, Paying Agent, Registrar Agent and Domiciliary Agent are entitled, as the case may be, to a charge per transaction, a flat fee for certain services or products, reimbursements by the Company for out-of-pocket expenses and disbursements and for charges of any correspondents.
This fee will be used to cover all charges and expenses of the Sub- Fund, among which fees to be paid to the Depositary, the Paying Agent, the Registrar Agent and the Administrative Agent and excludes: fees to be paid to the Investment Manager (if any), the Sub-Distributors, the Management Company and all taxes payable by the Sub-Fund in relation to the fact it is an investment company.
SUBSCRIPTIONS Any investor applying for subscription of Shares may at any time request such subscription by way of a written application, considered irrevocable, sent at the registered office of the Registrar Agent.
All redemption requests must be received in good order by the Registrar Agent prior to 2.00 p.m. (Central European Time) on the Business Day preceding the relevant Valuation Day.
In the absence of manifest error or of an objection from a Unitholder received by the Registrar Agent within ten Luxembourg Bank business days from dispatch of the confirmation, such confirmation shall be deemed to be conclusive.
The appointment of the Administrative and Registrar Agent was made pursuant to an Administrative and Registrar and Transfer Agent Agreement between the Management Company and the Administrative and Registrar Agent, for an unlimited period of time from the date of its signature.
In respect of subscription applications received by the Registrar Agent after the cut-off time or on a day which is not a Valuation Day, Units shall be allotted at a price corresponding to the Net Asset Value as of the next Valuation Day plus any applicable sales charge.
Title to Units is transferred by the inscription of the name of the transferee in the register of Unitholders upon delivery to the Registrar Agent of a transfer document, duly completed and executed by the transferor and the transferee where applicable.
In order to be dealt with on a specific Valuation Day, a Subsequent Application must be received by the Registrar Agent (from the Distributors or directly from the subscribers) by 03:00 p.m. at the latest on that Valuation Day (the “cut-off time”).