Regular Hours means the hours between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday, excluding the following holidays: Presidents' Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.
Regular hours worked means those hours which the court is regularly scheduled to work during any given work week. Depending on the particular court, these hours may vary from court to court within the county but remain the same for each work week.
Regular Premium means the amount exclusive of applicable taxes, if any, payable by the Policyholder at regular intervals during the Premium Paying Term, in amount and at the Premium Payment Frequency, both, as specified in the Schedule.
Regular Period means each period from (and including) the Issue Date or any Interest Payment Date to (but excluding) the next Interest Payment Date.
Regular Season means, with respect to any Season, the period beginning on the first day and ending on the last day of regularly scheduled (as opposed to exhibition or playoff) competition between NBA Teams.
Regular Shipper means (i) a Committed Shipper, and (ii) a Shipper that has Actual Shipments in each of the twelve months of the Base Period. A Regular Shipper described in clause (ii) ceases to be a Regular Shipper if it has no Actual Shipments for one or more months out of the Base Period, and thereafter, that Shipper will be treated as a New Shipper unless and until it meets Regular Shipper criteria.
Regular contributions means contributions required from members under a retirement plan.
Eligible Earnings means the Grantee's base salary (prior to any deferrals under a cash or deferred compensation plan sponsored by the Corporation or an Affiliate) paid during the Plan Year. From time to time the Plan Administrator may, in its sole discretion, establish rules for determining the amounts of Eligible Earnings for employees who become Grantees other than on the first day of a Plan Year as well as any reduction of Eligible Earnings as a result of paid leave of absences.
regular service means service rendered by an employee in the Cadre on a regular basis other than the service on contract or daily wages or ad-hoc but includes ad-hoc promotion or appointment in a cadre post through due procedure followed by regularization to the extant approved by the competent authority.
Regular benefits ’ means benefits payable to an individual under this act or under any other state law, including benefits payable to federal civilian employees and to ex-servicemen pursuant to 5 U.S.C. chapter 85, other than extended benefits.
Regular Occupation means the occupation you routinely perform at the time the Disability begins. We will consider the duties of the occupation as it is normally performed in the general labor market in the national economy.
Regular Position means an individual Nurse’s job defined as a percentage of full-time hours as set out in the appointment letter referred to in Article 15.
Regular Distribution Dates means each April 1 and October 1, commencing on April 1, 2016; provided, however, that, if any such day shall not be a Business Day, the related distribution shall be made on the next succeeding Business Day without additional interest.
Regular Dividend means USD 0.20 per Share per quarter. Upon any adjustment to the “Initial Dividend Threshold” (as defined in the Indenture) for the Convertible Notes pursuant to the Indenture, the Calculation Agent will make a corresponding adjustment to the Regular Dividend for the Transaction.
Regular Attendance means your personal visits to a Physician which are medically necessary according to generally accepted medical standards to effectively manage and treat your Disability or Partial Disability.
Base Pay means Executive’s annual base salary rate as in effect from time to time.
Regular Employee is one who is hired to work on a full-time or part-time basis on regularly scheduled shifts of a continuing nature;
Regular ballot means a ballot that is not a provisional ballot.
Deferral Amount means the sum of all of a Participant's Annual Deferral Amounts.
Regular Distribution Date Replacement Liquidity Facility", "Responsible Officer", "Scheduled Payment", "Special Payment", "S&P", "Stated Interest Rate", "Subordination Agent", "Taxes", "Threshold Rating", "Trust Agreement", "Trustee", "Underwriters", "Underwriting Agreement", "United States" and "Written Notice".
Incentive Pay means an annual amount equal to the aggregate annual bonus, in addition to Base Pay, made or to be made in regard to services rendered in any calendar year or performance period pursuant to any bonus plan of the Company.
Workweek means any week during which a Class Member worked for Defendant for at least one day, during the Class Period.
Regular Care means Treatment that is administered as frequently as is medically required according to guidelines established by nationally recognized authorities, medical research, healthcare organizations, governmental agencies or rehabilitative organizations. Care must be rendered personally by your Physician according to generally accepted medical standards in your locality, be of a demonstrable medical value and be necessary to meet your basic health needs.
Regular account means the account established for each active and inactive member un-
Regular license means a license issued to a child care organization indicating that the organization is in substantial compliance with all rules promulgated under this act and, if there is a deficiency, has entered into a corrective action plan.
Regular rate of pay means the rate of pay the employee was receiving at the time maternity leave commenced, but does not include retroactive adjustment of rate of pay, acting pay, shift premium, overtime or any other form of supplementary compensation.