Examples of Regulated use in a sentence
Kain noted that the SDM license allows for the sale of beer and wine and explained that under the City's code, a store that has a SDM license is classified as a liquor store and is considered a Group B Special Regulated use.
Regulated use of this headwater on-channel pond has the potential to substantially increase steelhead smolt production in the Uvas Creek watershed.
Premises that do not contain a Protected or Regulated use may not be considered when determining distance measurements.
So therefore if one Registered Entity wanted to take on the physical security (R 1.2.2) for CIP-003 for another Registered Entity, they would have to do so for ALL assets containing low impact BES Cyber Systems, not just a single substation.
Regulated use of the lands concerned may be granted by state authorities under established management plans or on an ad hoc basis.
Regulated use of these and other technologies - as specified by other international organizations - in fact increase agricultural productivity and safety of food.Investments should be encouraged in order to develop new technologies and biotechnologies and, to make existing ones more affordable, and to implement training and education programmes.
Regulated use of antibiotics in livestock.The risk to public health with the use of antimicrobials in food animals has been acknowledged in many international meetings and forums.
Most villagers have worked out details of how many live trees can be cut in a year and for what purposes.• Zonation, e.g., villagers from Gadabanikilo in Orissa mark out zones for extraction, zones for grazing, completely inviolate zones and so on.• Specifying the number of livestock that can be kept per family in the village.• Regulated use and equitable distribution of water, e.g., not growing water intensive crops.
Respiratory tract disorders likely to have a professional origin.Toxicological file of INRS N ° 232.In addition, in France, abrasives containing more than 5% of free silica can not be used for dry sanding (see Decree n ° 69-558 of 06/06/1969 - Journal Officiel of 11/06/1969 - Circular TE 7-72 of 08/03/1972 and judgment of 14/01/1987.As such, the packaging bears the following statement: "Free silica greater than 5% - Regulated use: Decree No. 69558 of 6/06/1969 and Decree of 14/01/1987".
Kain explained that under the City's code, a store that has an SDM license is classified as a liquor store and is considered a Group B Special Regulated use.