Examples of Relevant Activities in a sentence
Appeal 2335 of 2013 (MCU012421)Applicant:Barro Group Pty Ltd Application Details:Material Change of Use for Extractive Industry and Environmentally Relevant Activities 8, 16 & 211513 & 1515-1521 Mount Cotton Road and 163-177 & 195 Gramzow Road, Mount CottonAppeal Details:Applicant appeal against refusal.Current Status:Development application called-in by the Minister.
Regulations 7 to 16 set out the CIGA of the different Relevant Activities.
Such sector-specific guidance notes will also deal with the application of the adequacy test to particular Relevant Activities in further detail.
The examples in this Relevant Activities Guide are meant as general guidance in the context of the specific Relevant Activity being discussed in the respective section.
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