Examples of Remedial measure in a sentence
The next actuarial valuation is scheduled for December 31, 2018.In previous years, the CPA Order invested in annuity buy-in contracts with insurance companies for part of retirees’ pensions.
Accident due to dumpers Remedial measure: 1) In-pit crushers have been installed in the mines, so that dumpers ply only between face & the crusher & would not need to go out of the mine.
Remedial measure if any required to achieve/obtain desired results for each test shall be taken promptly by contractor.
Remedial measure assessment: – considering the challenges faced by the EC in their remedy design of the Google Shopping case, at this point in time, the Commission has embarked on a programme to assist with remedy design in the context of digital markets.
Third Notice of Misconduct: Parent contacted / Remedial measure / Lunch detention4.