Examples of Remedial Measures in a sentence
Examples of Remedial Measures Personal – Student Exhibiting Bullying Behavior 1.
Factors for Determining Remedial Measures Personal: • Life skill deficiencies; • Social relationships; • Strengths; • Talents; • Traits; • Interests; • Hobbies; • Extra-curricular activities; • Classroom participation; • Academic performance; • Relationship to peers; and • Relationship between student/family and the school district.
Subsequent Remedial Measures; Notification of Defect (a) Subsequent Remedial Measures.
Remedial Measures The following remedial measures may be taken to aid in correcting pupil conduct and to ensure that the pupil is properly placed in an appropriate educational environment and is not in need of special education and/or related services.
Sub-paragraphs 21.c and 21.d require the City to describe any problems anticipated with respect to meeting the requirements of Section VI, of the MCD (Remedial Measures), and to bring any additional matters that the City believes should be brought to the attention of EPA and MDE.