Examples of Replacement Expenditure in a sentence
However, all grant funding is excluded to establish the local government’s ability to cover its operational costs from its own sources of revenue.The Asset Sustainability Ratio is calculated as Capital Renewal and Replacement Expenditure over Depreciation Expense.
While the reported significance of the variable QSA contradicts the findings of Parry and Groves (1990) it is line with the evidence reported in a more recent study by Ahmed and Nicholls (1994) on Bangladesh.
The Asset Sustainability ratio is calculated as follows:Capital Renewal and Replacement Expenditure Depreciation expenditureThe City’s Asset Sustainability ratio for 2020-21 is 0.57, which is higher than the prior year’s ratio of 0.45 and lower than the 2018-19 ratio of 0.66.
Fig 3: Projected Capital Renewal and Replacement Expenditure Figure Values are in current (2018) dollars.Deferred renewal and replacement, i.e. those assets identified for renewal and/or replacement and not scheduled in capital works programs are included in the risk analysis process in the risk management plan.Renewals and replacement expenditure in the capital works program will be accommodated in the long term financial plan.
The recent Replacement Expenditure Planning Arrangements rule change made by the AEMC enhances transparency on DNSPs’ replacement expenditure in both their Annual Planning Reports and Regulatory Investment Test for Distribution (RIT-D).
The National Electricity Amendments Rules on Replacement Expenditure Planning is supported by guidance developed by the Australian Energy Regulator through the Industry Practice Application Note on Asset Replacement Planning1.
Part 8Part 8, to the extent that funding is required for Asset Replacement Expenditure, Aurizon Network is obliged to undertake asset replacement works in order to meet its obligations under an Access Agreement, Aurizon Network will be responsible for the provision of that funding of Asset Replacement Expenditure as well as undertaking or procuring the undertaking of the asset replacement covered by that funding.
Replacement Expenditure (Repex) [GD1] The replacement or refurbishment of assets which are at the end of their useful life due to their age or condition, or need to be replaced on safety or environmental grounds.
We observe that the forecast is 79 AER Preliminary Decision Attachment 6, page 1080 AER Preliminary Decision Attachment 6, page 79-8081 Queensland Electrical Safety Act S2982 EMCa report to AER: Review of Proposed Network Augmentation and Replacement Expenditure in Ergon’s Regulatory Proposal 2015- 2020 Final version 8.3, 20/04/2015, page 70primarily based on the assumption that historical averages are reflective of expected future expenditures.
For more details on the preparation of the model refer to the 2015-20 Reset RIN Template 5.2 Basis of Preparation and Schedule 1 Section 6 of the Reset RIN Response.The Repex model has been calibrated to historical expenditure, in accordance with the ‘AER’s Replacement Expenditure Model Handbook’, published November 2013.22 Average costs are escalated to 2013-14 dollars by applying published CPI rates to past expenditures.