Examples of RepoClear Participants in a sentence
RepoClear Participants must be fully conversant with the operating procedures and deadlines of their selected ADS(s) for each of the above categories for which it wishes to register trades.
RepoClear Participants who wish a trade to be registered by the Clearing House, must in the case of a trade executed through an ATS, elect to have that trade forwarded to the Clearing House for registration.
The netting process will commence at a predetermined London time and RepoClear Participants will be informed of results via Clearing Member Reporting.
In the event Landlord has not provided the Completion Notice prior to 9/21/19, Landlord shall give Tenant a credit against future rent for the actual costs and expenses paid by Tenant relating to Tenant’s rental, use and placement of temporary trailers and/or other rental expenses incurred by Tenant from 9/21/19 through the date upon which Landlord delivers the Completion Notice, up to an aggregate maximum amount of $10,000.00 per month.
Where the Euroclear Trade Capture and Matching System ("ETCMS") is used, RepoClear Participants must send their trade details to the EOC operator in accordance with the rules of the EOC operator for the trades to be registered by the Clearing House.
In addressing a conflict, the right to life is fundamental to all economic, social, civil and political rights.
RepoClear Participants should not amend any ADS Power of Attorney instructions issued over their account.
Where a Power of Attorney arrangement or a Direct Input facility is not in place, RepoClear Participants must upon receipt of their settlement obligations, match the settlement instruction in the ADS in a timely manner such as to enable settlement to occur in the standard cycle on the intended settlement date.
RepoClear Participants may, however, wish to agree bi-laterally to submit an equal but opposite transaction to that which gave rise to any RepoClear Contract, RepoClear Term £GC Contract or RepoClear €GC Contract, as the case may be.
To reduce the occurrence of settlement fails it is compulsory for RepoClear Participants to participate in securities borrowing programs in good faith where these are provided by the ADSs. The extent of the borrowing facility should be commensurate with the value of obligations due to the Clearing House.