Request for access to a record definition

Request for access to a record. ’ means a request made under Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a(d)(1).
Request for access to a record means a request made under Privacy Act subsection (d)(1).

Examples of Request for access to a record in a sentence

  • Request for access to a record means a request made under Privacy Act subsection (d)(1).

  • Request for access to a record if the record contains information about research being or to be carried out by or on behalf of a third party and the disclosure of which would be likely to expose the third party; a person that is or will be carrying out the research on behalf of the third party; or the subject matter of the research to serious disadvantage.

  • Request for access to a record if access to that record is prohibited in terms of Section 60(14) of the Criminal Procedure Act, 1977 (Act 51 of 1977).

  • Request for access to a record if the record contains commercial information of a third party [e.g. trade secrets; financial, commercial, scientific or technical information, other than trade secrets] of which the disclosure would be likely to cause harm to the commercial or financial interests of the third party.

  • Request for access to a record if the request is manifestly frivolous or vexatious; or the work involved in processing the request would substantially and unreasonably divert the resources of the public body.

  • Request for access to a record if the disclosure of the record would constitute an action for breach of a duty of confidence owed to a third party in terms of an agreement.

  • Request for access to a record if the record is privileged from production in legal proceedings unless the person entitled to the privilege has waived the privilege.

  • Request for access to a record if the disclosure thereof could reasonably be expected to endanger the life or physical safety of an individual.

  • Request for access to a record if the record contains an opinion, advice, report or recommendation obtained or prepared or an account of a consultation, discussion or deliberation that has occurred, including, but not limited to, minutes of a meeting for the purpose of assisting to formulate a policy or take a decision in the exercise of a power or performance of a duty conferred or imposed by law, would frustrate the deliberative process in a public body.

  • Type textAnnexure A – Form C: Request for access to a record of a private body Annexure B – List of all Motus’ South African entities1.

Related to Request for access to a record

  • Request for Applications (RFA) means the document (including all amendments and attachments) issued by the System Agency under which applications for Program funds were requested, which is incorporated by reference for all purposes in its entirety.

  • Request for Advance means a Request for Revolving Credit Advance or a Request for Swing Line Advance, as the context may indicate or otherwise require.

  • Request for Loan means a written request for a Loan substantially in the form of Exhibit E, signed by a Senior Officer of the applicable Borrower and properly completed to provide all information required to be included therein.

  • Solicitation” or "Request for Applications (RFA means the document (including all amendments and attachments) issued by the System Agency under which applications for Program funds were requested, which is incorporated by reference for all purposes in its entirety.

  • Access Service Request (ASR means the industry standard form used by the Parties to add, establish, change or disconnect trunks for the purposes of Interconnection.

  • Request for Payment means a payment application or declaration of expenditure submitted by the Member State to the Commission;

  • Advance Request Form A certificate, in a form approved by Lender, properly completed and signed by Borrower requesting a Revolving Credit Advance.

  • Request for Proposal (RFP means the solicitation document issued by Purchasing to potential vendors for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and/or services as described in the document. The definition includes these Terms and Conditions as well as all Pricing Pages, Exhibits, Attachments, and Addendums thereto.

  • Request for an accounting means a record authenticated by a debtor requesting that the recipient provide an accounting of the unpaid obligations secured by collateral and reasonably identifying the transaction or relationship that is the subject of the request.

  • Request for Proposals (RFP means all documents, including those attached or incorporated by reference, used for soliciting proposals.

  • Request for Proposal or “RFP” means all documents, including those attached or incorporated by reference, used for soliciting proposals.

  • Access Service Request (ASR) is an industry standard form used by the Parties to add, establish, change or disconnect trunks for the purposes of Interconnection.

  • Request for Proposals or “RFP” means all documents, including those attached or incorporated by reference, used for soliciting proposals.

  • Request for Tender (RFT means the document(s) containing or referring to the Conditions of Tendering and Contract, the Annexure, Special Conditions of Contract (if any), Northern Territory Procurement Code, Scope of Services, Response Schedules, Drawings or Diagrams (if any) and any other document issued for the purposes of inviting tenders for the Services.

  • Designated Record Set shall have the same meaning as the term “designated record set” in 45 C.F.R. § 164.501.

  • Switched Exchange Access Service means the offering of transmission or switching cervices to Telecommunications Carriers for the purpose of the origination or termination of telephone toll service. Switched Exchange Access Services include: Feature Group A, Feature Group B, Feature Group D, 800/888 access, and 900 access and their successors or similar Switched Exchange Access Services.

  • Request for Services or “RFS” means the document used by the City’s Project Manager to obtain services under this Agreement. The RFS must include a description of required services and schedule. It is to be emailed/faxed to the Consultant who in turn will provide a detailed costing for the service. The RFS must be reviewed and approved by the City’s Project Manager before the work is to proceed. A detailed process and sample of the RFS is attached as Schedules 2 and 3, respectively.

  • Request for Purchase shall have the meaning specified in paragraph 2B(3).

  • Request for Information (RFI means a written request by Contractor directed to A/E or ODR for a clarification of the information provided in the Contract Documents or for direction concerning information necessary to perform the Work that may be omitted from the Contract Documents.

  • Notice of Continuation or Conversion has the meaning provided in Section 2.10(b).

  • Form of Notice of Conversion means the “Form of Notice of Conversion” attached as Attachment 1 to the Form of Note attached hereto as Exhibit A.

  • Draw Request Any request by the Borrower, pursuant to Section 2.2 of this Agreement, for a disbursement of any portion of the proceeds of the Loan.

  • Request for Quote or “RFQ” means an electronic message disseminated on the SEF Platform for the purposes of soliciting bids or offers for a specific Swap.

  • Request for Tender means the Request for Tender given to prospective tenderers inviting offers to tender for the supply of the Services of which these General Conditions of Contract form part.

  • instructions for use means the information provided by the manufacturer to inform the user of the device’s intended purpose and proper use and of any precautions to be taken;

  • CEC Certification and Verification means that the CEC has certified (or, with respect to periods before the Project has commenced commercial operation (as such term is defined by and according to the CEC), that the CEC has pre-certified) that the Project is an ERR for purposes of the California Renewables Portfolio Standard and that all Energy produced by the Project qualifies as generation from an ERR for purposes of the Project.