Request For Delivery definition

Request For Delivery or RFD means document required and issued by the Carrier requesting the Customer or its agent to submit particulars and details of the Goods to be delivered.

Examples of Request For Delivery in a sentence

  • The Contract shall take effect when the Customer submits the Request For Delivery for a particular Consignment or any other documents as agreed and accepted by the Carrier and shall end after the completion of the transit and after all the charges have been paid.

  • The Carrier has the right to refuse any Request For Delivery from any Customer without assigning any reasons whatsoever.

  • The Carrier may accept Request For Delivery of containers provided it is made on an approved Request For Delivery form officially endorsed by the Customer making such a request.

  • In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work under the contract at the site of the project is not protected under Workers’ Compensation, the “Vendor” shall provide, and cause each subcontractor to provide, adequate insurance for the protection of such employees.

Related to Request For Delivery

  • Long Form Notice means the form of notice that shall be posted on the Settlement website created by the Settlement Administrator and shall be available to Settlement Class members by mail on request made to the Settlement Administrator in the form attached as Exhibit 2.