Examples of Resolution conference in a sentence
The Alternative Resolution conference will result in an Alternative Resolution agreement.
Participation in an Informal Resolution is voluntary, and either party can request to end the Informal Resolution conference at any time and return the investigation or proceeding to its pre-conference status.
The parties to the Desert Mountain Motion and the Monitor attended a Judicially Assisted Dispute Resolution conference before the Honourable Mr. Justice Martin on June 19, 2013.
We might seek funding from foundations, private donors, or other sources interested in dispute resolution.It also would be good if we could encourage such “recruits” to attend the annual American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution conference and other events.
The regulation stipulates that the conference is designed to be an informal proceeding between the two parties with the assistance of a neutral facilitator.NEW SECTION: Resolution conference.
CN and Via Rail travel through our community providing bothpassenger service and cargo shipping.
We are grateful for helpful observations from Cynthia Alkon, Pamela Metzger, Peter Reilly, Jenny Roberts, Andrea Schneider, Nancy Welsh, and the participants in the 2018 Texas A&M University School of Law Dispute Resolution conference.
If the parties are unable to settle the dispute, the facilitator is required at the conclusion of the Dispute Resolution conference to issue a written recommendation to settle the matter.
An Informal Resolution conference will be scheduled not less than three (3), or more than fourteen (14) University business days after the investigation is complete.
The internet and devices on our network are used to support the educational objectives of Amphitheater Public Schools.