Notice Board definition

Notice Board means the Board or Boards provided in the Club premises on which notices for the information of members are posted.
Notice Board means a board or boards designated as such within the Club premises on which notices for the information of members are posted.
Notice Board means the notice board specially maintained in a designated and conspicuous place within the premises of SSEC for the purpose of displaying notice(s).

Examples of Notice Board in a sentence

  • The Company agrees to furnish a Notice Board exclusively for the posting of Union notices.

More Definitions of Notice Board

Notice Board means the Notice Board specifically maintained in a conspicuous place, in the concerned department and/or at or near the main entrance to the company for the purpose of displaying notice required to be displayed under the provisions of these Service Rules.
Notice Board means the board or boards provided on the co-operative premises on which notices for the information of members is posted;
Notice Board means the notice-board maintained in a conspicuous place at or near the main entrance of the Works Buildings for the purpose of displaying notices required to be pasted or affixed under the provisions of the standing orders and includes in the case of employees working in 8 particular department of the Works, the notice-board maintained in such department or departments;
Notice Board means "Any notice board or boards as the Executive may designate as the official notice boards of the Association".
Notice Board means the board placed in or near the office of a Marketing Board for the purpose of displaying notices;
Notice Board. First Aid”, “Wearing Apparel”, and “Business Agents Visits”.
Notice Board means the Notice Board maintained in conspicuous place near the main entrance to the Institute for the purpose of displaying notice required to be posted or affixed.