Examples of Response to RFQ in a sentence
Note: Audited consolidated annual accounts of the Bidder may be used for the purpose of financial criteria provided the Bidder has at least 26% equity in each company whose accounts are merged in the audited consolidated accounts and provided further that the financial capability of such companies (of which accounts are being merged in the consolidated accounts) shall not be considered again for the purpose of evaluation of the Response to RFQ.
If the last date of receipt of the Response to RFQ is a public holiday at the place of submission of Response to RFQ, it shall be received and opened on the next working day at the same time and venue.
If Bidding Company intends to form a Consortium after submission of the Response to RFQ, then the Bidding Company would need to be the Lead Member of such Consortium and fulfill all the Qualification Requirements, as specified in the RFQ.
The Bidder shall be responsible for all the costs associated with the preparation of the Response to RFQ and participation in discussions.
The Response to RFQ shall remain valid for a period of one hundred and eighty (180) days from the date of submission of Response to RFQ.
Evaluation of Response to RFQ will be carried out considering the information and documents furnished by the Bidders as required under this RFQ.
If the Bidder conceals any material information or makes a wrong statement or misrepresents facts or makes a misleading statement in the Response to RFQ or Bid, as the case may be, in any manner whatsoever, in order to create circumstances for the acceptance of its Response to RFQ/Bid, the BPC reserves the right to reject such Response to RFQ/Bid, and/ or cancel the Letter of Intent, if issued.
If the Lead Member of the Bidding Consortium intends to change itself into a Bidding Company after submission of the Response to RFQ, such change would be considered upon the Lead Member making a written application along with formats as specified in the RFQ duly filled in to the BPC seeking its approval for such change at least 30 days prior to the last date of submission of RFP Bids.
For this purpose, capital expenditure incurred on projects that have been commissioned/completed at least seven (7) days prior to the last date for submission of Response to RFQ shall be considered.
For this purpose, capital expenditure incurred on projects which have been either wholly completed / commissioned or partly completed projects put under commercial operation and for which operation has commenced till at least seven (7) days prior to the last date for submission of Response to RFQ has been considered.