Responsible agency official definition

Responsible agency official meansthe Director of the Water Resources Council or his designee.§ 705.3 Application of this part.This part applies to any program for which Federal financial assistance is authorized under a law administered by the Water Resources Council. It applies to money paid, property transferred, or other Federal financial assistance ex- tended under any such program after the date of this part pursuant to an ap- plication whether approved before or after such date. This part does not apply to (a) any Federal financial as- sistance by way of insurance or guar- anty contracts, or (b) any employment practice except to the extent described in § 705.4(c). § 705.4§ 705.4 Discrimination prohibited.(a) General. No person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under, any program to which this part applies.(b) Specific discriminatory actions pro- hibited. (1) A recipient under any pro- gram to which this part applies may not directly or through contractual or other arrangements, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin:
Responsible agency official means the Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs (OJP); the Direc- tor, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA); the Director, National Institute of Justice (NIJ); the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS); the Direc- tor, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC); or the Administrator, Office of Juve- nile Justice and Delinquency Preven- tion (OJJDP), as appropriate.
Responsible agency official means the agency decisionmaker designated in the delegated authority for the un- derlying actions.

More Definitions of Responsible agency official

Responsible agency official meansthe Director of the Water Resources Council or his designee.
Responsible agency official means the official of a federal, tribal or state agency who has decision making authority over a particular undertaking proposed, or under consideration, by such an agency.
Responsible agency official means the Director of the Water Resources Council or his designee.
Responsible agency official means any federal, state, county or municipal official responsible for executing or
Responsible agency official means the agency decision maker designated in part 5 of this chapter.
Responsible agency official means the Director of the Water Re­ sources Council or his designee.
Responsible agency official means the Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs (OJP); the Director, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA); the Director, National Institute of Justice (NIJ); the Director, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS); the Director, Office for Victims of Crime (OVC); or the Administrator, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), as appropriate.