Examples of Resumption in a sentence
Resumption notice shall be subject to the Associate taking corrective action for the breach of contract conditions within the time frame and as per the terms specified in the suspension notice.
Project Resumption Expenses are in addition to compensation for Basic and Supplemental Services, and are full compensation for all damages and expenses which are directly or indirectly attributable to resumption of the Project Consultant's services after a Project Suspension.
Right of COUNTY to Suspend Work and Order Resumption - The performance of CONSULTANT'S services hereunder may be suspended by the COUNTY at any time.
The department of inspections and appeals has cited a facility with substandard quality of care on the last three consecutive standard surveys.81.40(3) Resumption of payments.
Business Resumption OM-5.6.4Each relevant business and support function must assign at least one member to be a part of the CMT to carry out the business resumption process for the relevant business and supported function.