Examples of Reviewing agency in a sentence
In either case, this alternative would address both institutional/industrial and residential use.
Part II, Section A, Subsection 3 of OMB Memorandum M-15-02 expands on the Inspector General (IG)’s responsibilities as outlined in IPERA, including: Reviewing agency improper payment reporting in the annual Agency Financial Report (AFR) and accompanying materials. Determining whether the agency is in compliance with IPERA.
Reviewing agency order which merely has effect of recommendation to president wd be to issue an advisory opinion.) D).
National media that provide adequate equipment and resources to correspondents for their work are rare.
TUMF Program Invoice Review: Reviewing agency invoices submitted for reimbursement under the TUMF Program. Meeting with WRCOG and agency staff to discuss any outstanding questions regarding invoices for the TUMF Program. Conducting field visits to address outstanding issues regarding reimbursement requests. Reviewing bid packets to advise WRCOG on whether specific items are eligible for reimbursement.