Examples of Revocation process in a sentence
Answer: The Parole Revocation process is governed by section 17-2-103, C.R.S. (2015).
DSF is RA.RA supports the following PKI services:- Authentication and identification of the Subscriber via an ID proofing process using the official ID.- Authentication of Delegate Registration Authority (DRA).- Audit of DRA.- Authorization of DRA.- Transmission of certificate request to the CA.- Revocation process.- Transmission of revocation request to CA.- Log trail generation and record of registration information.
Authorization process" means any method to provide the digital key which can operate the ‘immobilizer’ of the vehicle.2.2. "Revocation process" means any method to prevent the digital key to operate the ‘immobilizer’ of the vehicle.2.3. "Boundary of functional operation" defines the boundaries of the external physical limits (e.g. distance) within which the digital key is able to operate the ‘immobilizer’ of the vehicle.
DSF is RA.RA supports the following PKI services:- Authentication and identification of the Subscriber via an ID proofing process using the official ID Document;- Authentication of Delegate Registration Authority (DRA);- Audit of DRA;- Authorization of DRA;- Transmission of certificate request to the CA;- Revocation process;- Transmission of revocation request to CA;- Log trail generation and record of registration information.
At the time of downloading of Technical Bid (for evaluation) if it is observed that, after trying best (even getting advice from N.I.C. or going through Revocation process) if any folder/file of web portal cannot be opened or found not in a readable format, it may be established that, there is some deficiency (due to missing operation) atLQWHQGLQJ WHQGHUHU¶V SDUW LQ XSORDGLQJ RI UHTXLVLWH such cases the Technical Bid of the respective Bidder will be summarily rejected.
Recognizes professional firefighters and paramedics who are members of the Washington state council of firefighters.
The STI-GA may similarly determine that an authorized STI-CA should no longer be part of the SHAKEN Framework.The STI-GA crafted the STI-CA Revocation process.
If more than one grid operator and/or aggregators are communicating with the equipment for various grid operations, detection of a poorly behaving DER should be reported to all the grid operators to indicate the equipment is compromised and should not be trusted any longer.The lack of a robust Certificate Policy (CP) and Revocation process can result in a number of management issues for an ecosystem.
Those addenda will be noticed by the County of Passaic and will constitute a part of the RFQ.
No new eligible families will be authorized to use a child care provider who is undergoing the Revocation process.