Examples of Riparian Setback in a sentence
The algorithm solves the optimization problem by the competi- tion and cooperation between different individuals of population.
A 50-foot buffer was added to riparian and wetland constraints, consistent with Talent Zoning Code 8-3H.2 – Designation of Wetland and Riparian Setback Areas.▪ Land with slopes over 15%.
Appendix ABig Darby Creek WatershedCONTENTS OF THIS APPENDIX A.1 Permit AreaA.2 TMDL ConditionsA.3 Sediment Settling Ponds and SamplingA.4 Riparian Setback RequirementsA.5 Riparian Setback MitigationA.6 Groundwater Recharge RequirementsA.7 Groundwater Recharge mitigation Attachment A-A: Big Darby Creek Watershed MapAttachment A-B: Stream Assessment and Restoration A.1 Permit Area.
A modification of the enforcement of the Riparian Setback chapter which will not be contrary to the public interest and where, due to conditions peculiar to this property and not the result of the action of the applicant, a literal enforcement of this chapter would result in undue hardship to the applicant.
The approximately seven (7) acres of Covenant Privately-Owned Publicly Accessible Open Space consists of the Privately-owned Public Parks, Los Gatos Creek Riparian Setback, and Los Gatos Creek Riparian Corridor.
Any use not listed is prohibited.Division 4.1.300 Riparian Setback RequirementsRiparian setback requirements are referenced in Chapter 160.Division 4.1.400 Environmental QualitySEC.
A modification of the enforcement of the Riparian Setback regulations which will not be contrary to the public interest and where, due to conditions peculiar to this property and not the result of the action of the applicant, a literal enforcement of the regulation would result in undue hardship to the applicant.
Roadway crossings must be built in accordance with local regulations.• Placement of stormwater retention or detention facilities may be considered within the Riparian Setback if stormwater quality treatment is consistent with state standards (most current version of the Ohio EPA general construction permit).
Expansions exceeding 15% of the total footprint within the Riparian Setback must be obtained through the variance process.o Non-residential structure or use expansions will be permitted only through the variance process of the local reviewing agency.
Passed 11-19-07.)1169.07 NON-CONFORMING STRUCTURES OR USES IN THE RIPARIAN SETBACK.(a) Structures and uses within the Riparian Setback, existing on the effective date of these regulations,that are not permitted under these regulations, may be continued but shall not be expanded except as set forth below.(b) If damaged or destroyed, these structures or uses may be repaired or restored within two years from the date of damage/destruction, at the property owner’s own risk.