Examples of RIte Care in a sentence
The RIte Care population consists of five (5) different eligible groups, or aid categories (the defined groups represent a consolidation of various aid categories).
RIte Care member disenrollments, which occur outside of the open enrollment process, will become effective on the date specified by EOHHS, but not fewer than six (6) days after the Health Plan has been notified.
The Contractor will ensure coordination of care of all covered benefits under this Agreement including those provided for children, adolescents and adults for RIte Care, Rhody Health Partners and the Affordable Care Act Adult Expansion Populations.
In household situations where one or more members are enrolled in the plan through RIte Care, EOHHS may request that the Contractor offer optional enrollment to all other household members who qualify for Medicaid.
The Contractor, without prejudice to the terms of the Contract, shall be liable to the T/LPA for latent defects, fraud, or such gross mistakes as may amount to fraud, and for warranty and guaranty.
This group consists of RIte Care Health Plan members who have lost their eligibility for the program.
The Health Plan must work with contracted providers to conduct interperiodic EPSDT screens on RIte Care and all ACA Adult Expansion Population members under age 21 (i.e. 19 and 20-year old under this Agreement) to identify health and developmental problems in conformance with ATTACHMENT ED to this Agreement.
Benefits that are available to RIte Care enrollees under this demonstration include all benefits listed in Attachment A and under the Medicaid State Plan.
In addition to the five RIte Care eligible groups, there are three (3) additional groups, described below that the Contractor must make coverage available to as part of the Rite Care program, as described below.
The card may identify the holder as a RIte Care, Rhody Health Partners, or an ACA Adult Expansion Population member using an alpha or numeric indicator but should not be overtly different in design from the card issued to other enrolled groups.